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Console Update 1.06

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Hello Survivors,


The new Update 1.06 introduces the long-awaited Bear and brings fishing into the game. New weapons were added, like the Vaiga and BK-43 shotguns, the Blaze rifle, and the Kolt 1911.
We also implemented White-Listing, meaning that server owners will have control over who plays on their server using the add/remove functionality.
Console players are getting new tools, as we are enabling the mouse and keyboard support on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Anyone who owns the Livonia DLC, will be able to freely switch between Chernarus and Livonia servers, with the same character.

Get all the details and full patch notes below!




1.06 Patch 3 (14.01.2020)



  • Fixed: A client crash
  • Fixed: Character stats would not properly synchronise and update in the main menu


  • Fixed: Servers could get stuck in a loop trying to disconnect players



1.06 Patch 2 (19.12.2019)


  • Fixed: potential crashes related to object placement and manipulation



1.06 Patch 1 (12.12.2019)



  • Fixed: Swapping within cargo 
  • Fixed: The right side far resolution LODs of the Gunter 2 were only changing their color when damaged
  • Fixed: Items would not attach to the correct attachment slot during base building
  • Fixed: Base building/cars dragging attachments
  • Fixed: Movement inputs would be obstructed while using radial menus
  • Fixed: The boletus mushroom would spawn with a wrong rotation
  • Fixed: When the weapon in hand was hidden during certain actions, loaded cartridges would float in the air 
  • Fixed: A server error when picking up items
  • Fixed: Two exploits that could break the character animations
  • Fixed: Head of the character was not healing from damage
  • Fixed: PS4 trophies would not be activated under certain circumstances
  • Fixed: The PS4 trophy Bodily Needs would not be activated when the drinking action was done at a pond or well


  • Tweaked: Fireplace fuel consumption lowered (doubled the burning time)
  • Tweaked: Increased the damage dealt by 9x39 projectile
  • Tweaked: Increased the damage from projectiles to the zombie head (damage zone)


  • Tweaked: Updated the offline database





  • Added: Support for Mouse and Keyboard
  • Added: Vaiga Shotgun 
  • Added: Blaze rifle
  • Added: BK-43 with sawed-off version
  • Added: Kolt 1911
  • Added: Magazine variants for existing weapons (drum mags, high capacity mags, etc)
  • Added: Bear
  • Added: Fishing
  • Added: Item attachments can now be damaged
  • Added: Ability to harvest sticks from bushes with bare hands
  • Added: Ability to break long-sticks into small sticks with bare hands
  • Added: Cars have now a chance to spawn with a certain amount of fuel
  • Added: Throwing in crouched and prone stance
  • Added: Items are spawning in greenhouses
  • Added: Ejecting rounds from firearms
  • Added: Name search in the server browser
  • Added: Vehicle headlights controls in the tutorial screen


  • Fixed: Climbing over an object would break the holding animation
  • Fixed: Footstep sounds were missing
  • Fixed: Missing textures on the Tactical goggles
  • Fixed: Picking an item with a battery attached would cause the battery to be detached
  • Fixed: Damaged and destroyed textures of Night Vision Goggles
  • Fixed: The players were unable to place land mines or bear traps on streets and side-walks
  • Fixed: It was possible to drive a car when it was submerged underwater
  • Fixed: An issue that could lead to a blocked hand-slot
  • Fixed: Attaching items would be forced to follow a hierarchy (e.g. when assigning a battery to one of multiple attachments)
  • Fixed: Object placement fixes to the Chernarusplus terrain
  • Fixed: God rays were not visible with lower overcast values
  • Fixed: Lightning density wasn't properly synchronized in multiplayer
  • Fixed: Several incorrect collision geometries that could be abused
  • Fixed: White outlines on the tourist signs when in the shadow
  • Fixed: Missing shadow on Roadblock_Bags_Curve
  • Fixed: UV mapping of the opened map item
  • Fixed: House_1W04 disappearing in the distance
  • Fixed: VSD had its muzzle flashes going through an attached suppressor
  • Fixed: Some commonly abused glitches on buildings
  • Fixed: Clipping issues with notification system - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T144939
  • Fixed: An issue with entering/leaving vehicles
  • Fixed: An exploit that allowed to peek through walls
  • Fixed: Character's feet weren't visible during the character creation
  • Fixed: Punching walls with bare hands was emitting particle effects (dust, sparks, etc.)
  • Fixed: Display of several of items in the inventory
  • Fixed: Spawning orientation of several items
  • Fixed: Added a missing spark plug proxy for the Sarka 120
  • Fixed: Animals were fleeing towards the player in certain cases
  • Fixed: Zeroing didn't properly adjust the ballistics
  • Fixed: Melee range against objects was too high
  • Fixed: The player could see his old corpse while the respawn was in progress
  • Fixed: Item spawn points on several buildings (deer stands, buildings under construction, etc.)
  • Fixed: Weapon trembling during reload (mostly visible on weapons such as the Mosin or SK)
  • Fixed: The sprint melee attack could be executed with a firearm
  • Fixed: Wrong sound while crafting rags with a hatchet
  • Fixed: Removing a burlap sack from a players head would restore its condition to pristine - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124004
  • Fixed: Certain weapons were missing their sound events in prone
  • Fixed: Wrong sound was played when putting a knife into a sheath - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T143745, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T143624
  • Fixed: Several minor building issues (textures not being displayed, text changes, ladders blocked, etc.)
  • Fixed: The text overlapped in the tutorial screens in certain languages
  • Fixed: The player could not open seed packs
  • Fixed: Tents did not protect players from rain
  • Fixed: Wellies could not be repaired
  • Fixed: Missing mute action in the button legend of the Online-menu (PS4)
  • Fixed: Cholera agents in a container could be removed by using disinfectant
  • Fixed: Characters with beards were forced to shave before being able to dig for worms with knifes
  • Fixed: The speed of the wind was applied to the drying process even when being in an interior space
  • Fixed: Shoulder attachments could block the view through the PSO-1 scope in prone
  • Fixed: The player could get stuck when drinking to far from a river
  • Fixed: It was not possible to close the inventory while hovering over attachment slots
  • Fixed: The Tactical Helmet could get wet
  • Fixed: The Prison castle object was disappearing in the distance
  • Fixed: Xbox Achievements would not be activated under certain circumstances
  • Fixed: The Xbox achievement Bodily Needs would not be activated when the drinking action was done at a pond or well


  • Tweaked: Balanced item health - This will affect your active items, so they might change their condition to the better or worse
  • Tweaked: Lowered the chance to find food on infected
  • Tweaked: Updated the loot group positions
  • Tweaked: Balanced item durability
  • Tweaked: Damage to items within cargo items is no longer guaranteed
  • Tweaked: Slightly increased the melee damage of the infected
  • Tweaked: The bandage dressing can be used four times (instead of two)
  • Tweaked: Lowered blood regeneration rate
  • Tweaked: The fireplace in the Krasnostav airfield building is now usable
  • Tweaked: The village of Guglovo now has a Public Announcement System
  • Tweaked: The roadway faces of the trail objects have been made wider to cut more grass around trails
  • Tweaked: Global lighting configuration (darker overcast, less blue in the sky during high sun angles and clear skies)
  • Tweaked: Ovens made from a fireplace now last 7 days (instead of 2 hrs)
  • Tweaked: Teddy bears are no longer spawning with items in their cargo
  • Tweaked: The CR-61 Scorpion now spawns with a pistol suppressor instead of a normalized suppressor
  • Tweaked: There now is less rain during "medium overcast" on Chernarus
  • Tweaked: The NBC suit is now completely water-proof
  • Tweaked: Inventory view of the plate carrier pouches
  • Tweaked: Health penalty from low heat comfort only active when severely freezing
  • Tweaked: Increased energy consumption while being in low heat comfort
  • Tweaked: Decreased rate in which items could dry
  • Tweaked: Worn clothes should dry up faster near a fireplace
  • Tweaked: Slightly increased the night-time temperature on Chernarus
  • Changed: The default colour of the ADA 4x4 is now green instead of blue
  • Changed: The Chernarus weather is more rainy, with occasional lightning
  • Changed: Revamped tree and bush harvesting (varying resource yield depending on the bush or tree type, resource stacking tweaked)
  • Changed: Improved shipping container textures
  • Changed: Closed shipping containers now have visible locks and the doors open in twin mode
  • Changed: The duration of the bandaging action is affected by the type of item used (bandage dressing being the fastest)
  • Changed: The amount of blood loss from a bleeding source is affected by the total amount of blood left
  • Changed: Increased the capacity of the water bottle from 50 to 100
  • Changed: Reduced the inventory size of the canteen by 50% (now 2x2)
  • Changed: Melee weapons are gradually getting damaged when executing attacks
  • Changed: Ruined melee weapons will be dropped when trying to attack with them
  • Changed: The amount of meat harvested from the animals is affected by the damage done to the animal damage zones
  • Changed: Players are spawning with more initial hydration
  • Changed: Water consumption was decreased and energy consumption increased while moving
  • Changed: Lowered the chance of paper spawning in other items
  • Changed: Spawn points of the Sarka 120, Gunter 2, and Olga 42 on Chernarus
  • Removed: Glasses spawning on infected
  • Removed: Obsolete vehicle parts
  • Removed: Magazine attachment icon for weapons that aren't fed from a detachable magazine
  • Removed: Unnecessary consume action for purification tablets
  • Removed: Hardly reachable item-spawn points on car wrecks


  • Added: Whitelist, allowing server owners to have a better control about access to their servers
  • Added: Server modifier for controller-only servers


  • The team is currently investigating issues with the inventory that might result in trouble picking up items or sorting them in the inventory
  • Thanks 3
  • Confused 1
  • Sad 1

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You guys are fucking gods! Thank you all!!! I knew y'all must have been putting in a shit ton of work for it taking this long and I was right. G mother fuckin' G guys!

  • Haha 1

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No more additions to the server logs? Man we've been asking for ages! Surely it's not hard to add base destruction etc, it already exists on the pc, right?

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So... where’s the DLC? There’s nothing in the Swedish PS4 store as far as I can see.

EDIT: Trying to open the store through the DayZ main menu isn’t working at all. All of my friends are experiencing the same issue. 

Edited by bossefraise

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I"m not trying to complain because your a good company but their is a issue with the quick slot bar when I use it my player stops and cannot move forward after and item is selected but i can move any other direction and it is annoying because in a battle if i use the bar my player would stop and i would lose and  i'm wondering if you fixed some of the cars issues from them glitching under the map and flying into space and yanking your car to the left or right really hard plus some of you might have gone a little over board with the zombie spawn because their are bout 50 zombies in stary sobar and i don't like the fact of when i spawn in some of my stuff is damaged and i know this not a bug report page but i just hope you and another people read this plus when are you going start to add mods in Dayz on console 

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Thanks for adding new stuff and fixing some old stuff. I urge you to address major bugs ahead of new content.  

My observations for PS4...

  • BEWARE: Getting out of a running car that is parked and not moving will cause major damage. 
  • Looks like oil can be refilled, not sure if it is required yet. 
  • And very disappointed that EVERY WEAPON IS DAMAGED.  Every single weapon I have collected and all of my teammates have collected are damaged, or badly damaged.  On your person, in your inventory or in a container...badly damaged.   Hopefully you have a few gun cleaning kits or its like starting over...
  • I am afraid to try driving the vehicle we have managed to put together, nothing mentioned about making vehicles useable.  Are there any brave souls who tried that yet?

Still, we play on...

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1. Item Desync still not fixed !! (can't fully loot dead players inventory most of the time, mags/reloading buggy, inventory buggy, dopped items buggy/players can't see the item you that you drop on the ground, items disappear)

2. Non functional weapons are still present!! (melee/guns deal no damage to players/infected + no weapon/gun fire sound, other players can't see that you are holding a weapon)

3. The game performance in many areas is still pretty bad, almost unplayable in some situations(PS4 Pro@1080p + SSD)

4. Texture Glitches/Visual glitches are still present (e.g. broken water in some areas)


Overall I would say that the devs haven't fixed most of the "game breaking" bugs (1. + 2.) on console and It's a shame to release a paid DLC without fixing those "game breaking" bugs in the first place...

Why can't the devs fix Item desync and non functional weapons on console? Don't you think that's it's very important to fix those game breaking bugs before releasing any new content?


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  On 12/3/2019 at 11:30 PM, bossefraise said:

So... where’s the DLC? There’s nothing in the Swedish PS4 store as far as I can see.

EDIT: Trying to open the store through the DayZ main menu isn’t working at all. All of my friends are experiencing the same issue. 


PS4 or Xbox?

Thank you.

  On 12/4/2019 at 3:20 AM, I a moob said:


I"m not trying to complain because your a good company but their is a issue with the quick slot bar when I use it my player stops and cannot move forward after and item is selected but i can move any other direction and it is annoying because in a battle if i use the bar my player would stop and i would lose and  i'm wondering if you fixed some of the cars issues from them glitching under the map and flying into space and yanking your car to the left or right really hard plus some of you might have gone a little over board with the zombie spawn because their are bout 50 zombies in stary sobar and i don't like the fact of when i spawn in some of my stuff is damaged and i know this not a bug report page but i just hope you and another people read this plus when are you going start to add mods in Dayz on console 

We are aware and working on it!

Thank you

  On 12/4/2019 at 4:25 AM, toobhed said:


  • And very disappointed that EVERY WEAPON IS DAMAGED.  Every single weapon I have collected and all of my teammates have collected are damaged, or badly damaged.  On your person, in your inventory or in a container...badly damaged.   Hopefully you have a few gun cleaning kits or its like starting over...

Some items got their "health" changed, some got increased, some got decreased.

So if we changed the health of the ItemX to double, from 100 to 200, even if you had 100% of durability, it will now be at 50%, but you maintain the same amount of health your item had.

Let me know if I was clear 😉

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  On 12/4/2019 at 9:16 AM, Shane Dotarachii said:

The Devs really fucked up on this update, how do you break a game more then it already is, its sad to see a good game go down the drain like this 

Something you would like to report or..?

  • Thanks 1

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1 It´s 1.07 not 1.06
2 Game freezlags even more now, if driving a car its just a matter of time before a 30sec freeze  ruins your day, happens alot and i have loads of clips showing it.
3 inventory is still shit, hard to navigate and move around things.
4 also noticed the being damaged by a car turned on but not moving.

  On 12/4/2019 at 4:25 AM, toobhed said:

Thanks for adding new stuff and fixing some old stuff. I urge you to address major bugs ahead of new content.  

My observations for PS4...

  • BEWARE: Getting out of a running car that is parked and not moving will cause major damage. 

Please can we get som REAL programmers that can fix this game engine? like just give me settings for graphics  so i can tweak it to the point its playable.

Edited by frodrick
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So any update on the de-sync issues? I played for 3 mins grabbed a gun killed a guy and couldn't eat his pair or reload a mag. Pretty much a 50% chance to break you character every time you do anything with inventory. Been like this for months now, don't bother adding stuff if de-sync means I can't play

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  On 12/4/2019 at 10:32 AM, Greensek said:


PS4 or Xbox?

Thank you.

We are aware and working on it!

Thank you

Some items got their "health" changed, some got increased, some got decreased.

So if we changed the health of the ItemX to double, from 100 to 200, even if you had 100% of durability, it will now be at 50%, but you maintain the same amount of health your item had.

Let me know if I was clear 😉

The problem persists. Can’t find the game in the Playstation 4 Store, location Sweden. Me and a bunch of friends are having the same problem. 

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Just a question. Is the Livonia DLC available to game share on Xbox one? So if bought on primary account, can I download and play it on a secondary? 

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  On 12/4/2019 at 11:56 AM, bossefraise said:

The problem persists. Can’t find the game in the Playstation 4 Store, location Sweden. Me and a bunch of friends are having the same problem. 


We have identified the issue and it should be resolved in a few days.

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Fajnie super ale może wkońcu dodajcie możliwości modowania serverów na sam początek ustawienia dotyczące baz że można rajdowac nie można rajdowac by na publicznych serverach dało się zmieniać takie rzeczy 


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  On 12/4/2019 at 2:29 PM, Greensek said:


We have identified the issue and it should be resolved in a few days.

Please identify and resolve the most game breaking bugs. Fixing item desync and the weapons deal no damage bug should be your top priority for console players.

We waited such a long time for this update but the game breaking bugs are still present on console. Devs please resolve those issues and make the game at least playable for us console players. We appreciate the new added content, balancing and tweaks but with the game breaking bugs mentioned above it's not fun to play DayZ as you never know when those bugs will get you killed or ruin your survival expirience!

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  On 12/4/2019 at 4:25 AM, toobhed said:

Thanks for adding new stuff and fixing some old stuff. I urge you to address major bugs ahead of new content.  

My observations for PS4...

  • BEWARE: Getting out of a running car that is parked and not moving will cause major damage. 
  • Looks like oil can be refilled, not sure if it is required yet. 
  • And very disappointed that EVERY WEAPON IS DAMAGED.  Every single weapon I have collected and all of my teammates have collected are damaged, or badly damaged.  On your person, in your inventory or in a container...badly damaged.   Hopefully you have a few gun cleaning kits or its like starting over...
  • I am afraid to try driving the vehicle we have managed to put together, nothing mentioned about making vehicles useable.  Are there any brave souls who tried that yet?

Still, we play on...

So. I took a small drive. Im on gigabyte internet. All the speed ever needed and hardwired. My cars have gone back to the whole wobble thing and will now brake down as if i ran into something for absolutely no reasons. Fuel, full pristine radiator, pristine battery, i couldn't put oil in my vehicle. And if car brakes down while your in it you get locked into the car. Only way out is log off and back in. Frankly i would like to see lest content additions and more bug fixes. Also im on an Xbox one X so processing power isn't a problem either. For now till they look into these problems. I would suggest steer clear of moving any cars. Also tents still have items lock into their inventories and a full server rest is the only way i can get then to unlock.

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Dear developers,

why are there more and more bugs in the game after every Dayz update? Especially Game Breaking Bugs? How incompetent must a company be?

You pull us 15 euros out of the bags with great trailers to Livonia and let you celebrate some of many.
For what? That more game breaking bugs are in the game? How incompetent is BI?

When does your game finally work so that you do not die constantly due to stupid game bugs? How long have you been programming this game? Every update comes to bear your total incompetence. When do you finally get professional help for the game to finally work?

Here is a little video of how Broken your game is! At last learn or bury Dayz and do not pull more money out of our pockets!


BTW: I can send many more Videos of BUGZ from after the Update! Eat my Shorts DEVS, u learn nothing after years of Programming on Bugz!

BTW: The Nitrado Server are laggy as Hell!!!!!


Edited by Diavolus
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Hotfix inc.? This game is unplayable in its current stage!! Look at your twitter comments... 😮

Actually it shouldn't be allowed to release a game in such a broken state with a paid DLC on top. BI you should be ashamed of yourself!


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  On 12/5/2019 at 3:47 PM, Diavolus said:



Not to defend the bug, but melee clearly wasn't working. Should've used a gun or gotten out of there.

Also this is the wrong place to demand a refund.

Edited by bandito6000
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I've become a big fan of this game and there are just so many simple things yall can fix I can get past the bugs but for the love of God please increase the time it takes to break down a wall it takes 55 seconds to raid a base that took me 24 hours to build 

All yall have to do is increase the time it takes to 10 or 15 minutes and it will greatly improve the quality of the game that's all that really bothers me please I'd like a response 

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There is an error and the temperature of the character is elevated in yellow and the health decreasing this is on Xbox One

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  On 12/5/2019 at 5:06 PM, bandito6000 said:

Not to defend the bug, but melee clearly wasn't working. Should've used a gun or gotten out of there.

Also this is the wrong place to demand a refund.

I have this problem too


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