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I notice when you fill a Canteen and drink from it, you drink the whole lot of the canteen. My proposal is to be able to drink from the canteen in 2 or 3 uses. I know soda cans are cans and you cant really transport them once opened but the canteen has a lid and I think it's more realistic to have multiple uses. This would make the canteen a little more prized and practical.

Just as a survivor you sip a canteen and reserve your water rather than drinking the lot, and i know theres plenty of sodas and ponds to refill its just a subtle change.

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Interesting suggestion, but may make the game a little too easy.

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Yes uberwolfe, my bad for not checking first - good thread =). to make it less easier, only spawn canteens at army bases and not in towns and lower the spawn rate a bit, turns canteens into a valuable item.

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But canteens AREN'T rare items. I own three, and I'm not even commissioned into the military yet.

Just pointing that out.

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