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Chad Andrew Newbauer

13th Legion Official Dayz Server!

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13th Legion DayZ Server



The 13th Legion is a community based around the battlefield series, but we have decided to branch off and add DayZ to our list of games we play as a community. We were founded in 2013 and have a large community of 600+ members in our Xbox club!


This server is a pvp based server. We bring some of the best there is to pvp and challenge anyone to come make this there home and see if you have what it takes to survive. If your alone there are factions to join and build a base with or there are factions to join who enjoy raiding bases. Its up to you! Its not for the faint of heart.


·       70 slots

·       Discord server dedicated to the server. Msg me or Msg and admin for a link!

·       Admins always available

·       Green mountain safe zone with more to come

·       No other rules besides no KOS in safe zones and no stashing of high tier weapons such as m4, aks, tundra, mosin, lar, and svd. Alts are encouraged! this keeps the loot system healthy.

·       Night cycle is about 10 minutes

·       Community voting

·       Pvp events

·       Player made factions!

·       Server voting and active admins.

·       First person

If this sounds like something your interested in send me a PM and I can get you settled in!


Admin GT’s:

Sentinal 9

Cacti Centurion

Prison Mike 1990

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70 slot-check

No corner peeking- check

Green mountain safe zone- happy with one safe zone on the map but please don't have more than one.


Bit concerned about the ten minute nights . The default setting for 45ish min nights is fine. Surviving a long night is part of the game. Should be at least 30 mins.

Still has potential 

Edited by awalsh47

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we have server voting and there were very few who wanted shorter nights. we have been testing longer nights and we havent had a complaint yet. we have two safe zones atm with altar being the second one. We made the second for factions to use for trading with out having to travel so far.

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