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Ryan JG

We are here for you...

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Hey BI,

So, this game is probably the best and worst game I've ever played. It really is! I've poured so many hours into this game and I'm sure I will pour hundreds more. We as a community understand the work you put in and are sure that you get as frustrated as we do when things don't work, and I want to say we are here for you.

We love your game and will support it financially and by simply spreading the word... but love is a two way street.

Give us more communication, let us help more than telling you about the bugs, listen to us, please listen to us. Some of us know this game inside out as a consumer.

We want to see this game grow into something amazing just as much as you do. We want to see BI succeed in their endeavors because you have given us some amazing moments in this game and we want to see more of them.

So finally, we are here for you.

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3 hours ago, Ryan JG said:

Give us more communication

Back in the "good old days", there was communication. But if you take a look around, since a few month it has become like talking to some higher beings and only a few choosen ones are getting responses if all stars lined up...or if you post a meme on twitter. There is no engagement with the community (execpt for some streamers maybe) or, god forbit, taking part in a discussion. Its sad really, because i know BIS can do better.

Also I've seen next to none activity from the moderator team here, except for deleting some spam posts here and then. But since their work is voluntary it isn't as bad as BIS total communication stop.

Edited by MaVerick_GDZ

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