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ошибка 0xС0000005 -status_access_violation

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Помогите решить эту саную проблему, у меня стоит винда 7, 860м GTX, 16 оуз, i7- четвертого поколения, мне пж помогите пишите в лс если чтото известно  https://vk.com/id326495537Вставьте другой носитель

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The chance of me clicking on that link is about 0.0000000000000000000001%.

If you have a legitimate issue (and I might add, a legitimate copy of the game), make your post in English (use Google translator or the like) and use the "Insert other media" button in the bottom right corner of the editor and then use the "Insert image from URL" option.  Doing it that way, your image will show up without anyone having to click what could be a link that installs several dozen viruses on my computer.

You'll end up with a pretty picture embedded in the post, like this:



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