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I've just bought this 2nd-hand PC from a friend at Apknite and DayZ included. It means I'm a new player with not too much experience. I spawned in and the first thing I find is a cr 527 with a magazine in it. I find ammo for it and try to take the mag out to load it, but to my disappointment, the mag is glitched in the gun and won't come out. Can I do anything about this or am I just screwed at the moment. 

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Yeah that happens commonly to CR rifles. Just drop it and move on, lots of better weapons are out there.

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Actually, this week there have circulated a possible fix for it on the DayzSA community facebook.
I did not come up with this:
"Copy paste"


When the weapon you found has a bugged mag, not allowing you to take the mag out.

1. Place the bugged mag in your hotbar

2. Place the bugged weapon in your inventory

3. Hold the hotbar key that you placed the mag in (keep holding this key)

4. (While holding the hotbar key) Drop the weapon onto the ground

5. Look at the weapon on the ground, and you should be prompted to lift the mag

6. Lift mag, then lift the weapon ( which should no longer have a mag inside)

** Bug fixed**

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