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Gene Pearson

DLC idea

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So a campaign as a dlc would be pretty cool. Not sure how it would work but i like the thought of it. Imagine the mission is to find and extract a hvt and intel on the virus but after a plane crash in the post apocalyptic setting that dayz. You have to survive and figure out how to compete the mission. 

Idk could be fun


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How about they finish the game first?

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Sounds pretty much like "The Forest" with zombies instead of cannibals and...things. Maybe that game would suit you. Also ArmA2/3 has tons of user made content involving zombies and missions, may be worth a look.

But please, leave the sandbox like it is, without any missions or whatnot. This game is getting a more and more arcade feeling as it is. IMT also got a point, we may be "core feature complete" - whatever that was supposed to mean - but there is still a lot of stuff missing.

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