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Flashlights and why you should start with them

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I love how the night works now, and you should definitely not start with a flashlight.

Finding your way in the dark, carefully weighing the compromise between popping a flare for some light, knowing that it can be seen miles away, and the elation of finally finding a working flashlight in some attic is a big part of what this is all about. Not running around and shooting zombies and upgrading the peashooter. There are dozens of games for that.

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I'm a new player and I found a flashlight the other day but realised I had to drop my weapon to take it. As much as I wanted that flashlight I decided bullets would be more effective than a torch against a zombie so had to leave the light behind. Seemed kinda pointless even finding it...

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You know I would rather start with a knife than a flashlight. Every BoB, GooD, camping, hiking, and survival pack I have ever made for myself or helped someone else make always started with one thing, a good sharp fixed blade knife. When I first started playing this game and found out I do not start out with a knife I felt naked. Even the games limited capacity for the knife in my mind it should be one of the starting pieces of equipment.

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I found a remington with a torch on it tonight, but no ammo. I swapped my enfield for it, hoping I'd eventually find some slugs. Never did, but I appreciated having to carefully weigh my options and make that difficult choice.

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Maybe it's just because I've been avoiding big loot towns, but I haven't run across a flashlight yet =C.

That said, I can see just fine if there's a moon, and if there's not, it's gamma/brightness adjustment time.

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The flashlight is pointless because you have to sacrifice the pistol for it. For an experienced player, it's simply not worth carrying one. It's even worse for somebody who has just spawned because they have to remove their only weapon to be able to equip the flashlight, leaving them literally defenseless.

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I think a flashlight should be a standard item, on your actual person as though clipped to your shoulder, rather than taking up a slot. They have both pros and cons.


- You can fucking see at night.

- You can fucking SEE at NIGHT.


- People can see you at night.

My thoughts on the matter:

They should have a limited view area, say 20', and enough brightness to give you an idea of where you're going, and not much more. The beam would be similar to the incandescent, yellowish bulbs of old, and certainly not "LED" quality, for eerie effect. The zeds shouldn't be immediately drawn to the light, but if they venture 2-3' into the beam, they turn towards it, and it gives you the chance of being spotted when they get close.

If you do this, you don't IMMEDIATELY have people illuminating an entire area with a flare, because when this happens, everybody for a 5 mile radius can see it. Flares draw in more 'bad people' who want to shoot you. By the same token, a smaller light will still give your position away when other players are local to your position, so there is no reduction in the aspect of having a larger chance of people shooting you in the dark.


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I like that you don't have a flashlight or a chem light to start - forces people to go out and try and find the stuff. you give people too much and they will spend more time holding up in places and less time explorering - which would make the wolrd dull for others. It's a fun sense of panic when you spawn and realize you have 2 hours until it's pitch black and that you have to make your way to a town and try and find a light source other than the "I'M OVER HERE" beacon that is the flare :)

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It's a fun sense of panic when you spawn and realize you have 2 hours until it's pitch black and that you have to make your way to a town and try and find a light source other than the "I'M OVER HERE" beacon that is the flare :)

It is, however, not as much fun when you spawn in the pitch black. Actually, I have no point of reference, as I HAVE ALWAYS SPAWNED IN THE PITCH BLACK! Dang.


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But starting with flashlights will end the LOLFLARE noob antics that I am all so fond of on the coast!

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It would be good to spawn with a flashlight, but no extra batteries or such. The flashlight should be a "gear" item like NVG, and equippable as such, replaced by NVG if you equip those.

With that, you'd start with a way to illuminate the area in close proximity from the start, without letting everyone in the server know exactly where you are(especially the bandits) and you'd have to not overuse it, unless you like groping around in the dark because your flashlight ran out of batteries while you were derping around.

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It would be great if all the survivors started with flashlights. It would make it so much easier for me to find and kill them at night.


Really, half the Z Heads are begging for all sorts of stuff to help keep them alive...

You know what a flashlight is? It's a giant arrow pointing at your chest.

Flare? Throw it out and light up an area. Please please please add flashlights and I'll never be hungry at night.

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Flashlights need a longer throw at night, outside. If you've ever used a flashlight outside, you can get about a minimum of 40-50 feet of throw. In this mod, currently, flashlights throw like 10 feet, then just END! Flashlights just need to be more realistic.

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Well, mini-flashlights have a ten-foot or so credible range, in absolute darkness. Maglights on the other hand, are definitely capable of being used to illuminate large areas.

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