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About metal_izanagi

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. metal_izanagi

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    Oh God' date=' please tell me you're joking. If you aren't, let me know so I can stop holding in my laughter. [/quote'] Do you just make a living from being a monumental jerk on these forums? Every thread I've seen you post in has at some point included you making fun of or trolling another person? Who the hell do you think you are? Naaah. I make a living doing other things, this is just a hobby. Me? I'm a guy who loves to laugh at stupid people. Like now! You're hilarious. This is crazy but, let's be friends. So I can shoot you in the head later, maybe. Why has action not been taken against this guy on this forum? He's pretty obviously an aggressive troll.
  2. metal_izanagi

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    Oh God' date=' please tell me you're joking. If you aren't, let me know so I can stop holding in my laughter. [/quote'] Do you just make a living from being a monumental jerk on these forums? Every thread I've seen you post in has at some point included you making fun of or trolling another person? Who the hell do you think you are?
  3. metal_izanagi

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I see that DayZ has "evolved" about as I figured it would. It's gone from being shot for your makarov and beans to being shot for absolutely nothing. You lose everything, and some asshole gets a laugh out of killing someone who either had no chance of defending themselves, or refused to fight. Survival simulation my ass, this "game" as so many people call it, instead of the rightful title of "mod" is just a sociopath simulator. The only incentives come from being a horrible person and murdering everyone you come across, so you can get their stuff. If rocket was out to make a mod that brought out the absolute worst people that play games online, and put them all in one masturbatory fantasy where they get to play god with other peoples' virtual lives, without the consequences that real-life would bring, good on him I guess. How about we just take out the zombies and call it "Virtual Uganda"?
  4. metal_izanagi

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Because you're obviously the judge of that.
  5. metal_izanagi

    Humanity should reset on death...

    Eh, money is just fancy paper in an apocalypse, with nothing actually backing it, so probably not a good idea. There are some really good ideas that have been pointed out in the forums; it's just a matter of time, from the bugs that are in the game now getting ironed out a bit, to more content being developed. Still an alpha, so it's a bit early to really hate on the mod.
  6. metal_izanagi

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Well, thanks for making that clear. I'm sure you'll get a lot of love for that.
  7. metal_izanagi

    Food and water being used offline

    Fenrix, you've got it totally right. +rep to ya.
  8. metal_izanagi

    Humanity should reset on death...

    I really can't see why only dropping it a bit would be a good compromise. It still labels bandits as survivors, and enables them to exploit the system quite a few times before it becomes anything resembling a problem. You're not a "completely new person" considering you're still you, at the computer, likely with the same mindset, if not worse, if you're a particularly nasty sort of bandit that's enraged because a survivor or a peacekeeper-type killed you and took your ill-gained loot. Banditry would be the /smart/ choice for people instead of /a/ choice, if they could just get away with it. As much as some want to turn this into a deathmatch game, there's a reason a lot of people are /not/ having fun because there are bandits out there that get a kick out of killing for the hell of it. At least the current system gives people a vague idea of who not to trust. As I suggested, a way to regain humanity through killing bandits would be a pretty good route for redemption, if you've become a bandit through self-defense. For now, though, if you want to stay a survivor, don't fight back unless that flag in the right-hand side of the HUD changes from "false" to "true". "Free Target" or whatever it's called means, as rocket himself has said, that you can fight back without taking penalties from the kill. Heck, expanding upon Thomas's idea, add just enough humanity for one "murder" to be nullified when a new life is started, but /only/ if you were killed by someone not in your "alignment"(Survivor for Bandits, and Bandits for Survivors, currently). If a zombie killed you, or you jumped off a cliff, died of starvation etc, you shouldn't regain humanity for that. It would mean farming kills would be a stupid idea, since either way someone would be losing humanity if they're of the same faction, and if a survivor tries to farm it to help a bandit, they become a bandit themselves, and then both of them are screwed since they won't regain the humanity off of each other after the first kill.
  9. metal_izanagi

    Food and water being used offline

    Would still be better if it just didn't go down while you're logged out. It doesn't hurt anyone, since it still goes down in-game, and it adds realism, since your character stops "existing" in game terms, once you log out.
  10. metal_izanagi

    Humanity should reset on death...

    Killing bandits should add to humanity, that way you can "redeem" yourself if you're a bandit. as for self-defense, you should honestly avoid people if you're a survivor, unless you know them, and if you don't have /great/ gear and a survivor attacks you, either run away or make sure your "free target" or whatever thing flags itself, before you shoot back. Or heck, let the jerk kill you, so they lose humanity and have to deal with being a bandit.
  11. metal_izanagi

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    That's cool, but maybe instead of trying to turn people away from the mod(not a game, it's a mod), you should join one of the groups that's trying to make the game a bit easier for new players, and not full of rooftop snipers? There's a militia thread in the survivor forums, and once that takes off, you'll start seeing consequences for people killing at random, and people picking off the bandits that sit on cranes sniping folks.
  12. metal_izanagi

    Does this Forum not support polls?

    A problem with that might be that not everyone that plays the mod(Probably not a good portion of them, actually) comes to this forum, or speaks the same language as these boards. Things can be lost in translation, and you could end up with unintended results from a poll, or worse, a group of people having others spam the polls to try to swing it in their favor, assuming it would have an effect on the development of the mod.
  13. metal_izanagi

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    While that may be true for some people, in TKJ's case especially, they seem very capable of not immediately shutting down another person's opinion for no reason.
  14. metal_izanagi

    Flashlights and why you should start with them

    Well, mini-flashlights have a ten-foot or so credible range, in absolute darkness. Maglights on the other hand, are definitely capable of being used to illuminate large areas.
  15. metal_izanagi

    Every game has this topic: Females?

    Just another personal opinion here(Ignoring the response to my last post, reported it instead) but perhaps the dev team should make a statement on this issue, with this thread closed and the subject put on a "don't start it" list, to prevent exactly the kind of flamebaiting and unfounded accusations that are already seeping in?