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Enforced server configs

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The settings that enforce what version of the beta is needed

should be checked that its enabled, servers not setup to enforce beta

should not be allowed to connect to hive.

Known side effects of this [the effects that apply change depending on the beta version on the server and that of the client]

1: Zombies dont detect the player.

2: Loot does not spawn.

3: Water and food level does not go down.

4: Player can not be seen by other players but can shoot them.

5: Zombies do not spawn

6: Zombies randomly run around when you shot but do not start to follow you.

7: Blood does not go down when shot [apart from insta death shots]

8: Gun shot smoke effects do no go away after shooting and follow you around.

9: Sound effects trigger in the wrong locations [EG shooting a gun next to someone but to them it sounds far away]

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