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About madpeter@gmail.com

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  1. madpeter@gmail.com

    Offline mode?

    multiplayer is just KoS any other setting will get you killed, thats why there are @stat servers now that dont use the hive system as people are getting fed up of random hackers joining the server that they are not allowed to password, or the pointless killing of new players by people geared up with full camo hiding miles away with a sniper and then switching server after each kill. Pros and cons of a non hive server multiplayer + password the server + kick players for clan / friends + Non deathmatch mode + Cars and other stuff not miles outside of the map or hidden in some location that will take days to find. + no random player killing - Less players to team up with I fail to see how this is a bad idea.
  2. madpeter@gmail.com

    Energy (Sleep)

    the only effect this would have is as soon as your energy level drops to the next stage down you DC. so less players playing is your grand idea...
  3. madpeter@gmail.com

    Rigged devices

    With the bear traps being added it would be nice to setup some traps with them, attaching anything to the bear trap would need the traps sping to be adjusted [no longer breaks leg but does hurt] or the thread/rope would fall off [to help balance it out], and before you could move you would need to look down and select release trap [would take 1 sec or so] Examples All examples are [iTEM] + Bear trap Firecrackers and box of matchs: Makes a ton of noise drawing zombies to the player if any are near by or could be used to defend a location. Smoke / Flare: would not draw zombies but gives a way of detecting them to players / zombies . Nade: Pulls the pin with a loud click noise [does not trigger zombies but the nade noise will] and does not need player to remove the trap before they can move. any ideas for fun / weird things to do with the traps are welcome
  4. madpeter@gmail.com

    first weapon

    Side effects of not starting with a gun 1: most players who dont start at a main town repeatedly kill themselfs untill they do as its pointless to start anywhere else due to the crappy supplys near other starting locations. 2: most players run into buildings and just run around towns zombies are just a pain but easy to lose, if they get pk'd they just repeat on a dif server with less players untill they get the equipment they need to get started. 3: Its much easyer to kill new players who have just started the game. 4: Higher levels of player killing for starting guns via Axes and bows that seem to be everywhere. 5: More deaths at spawn due to zombies still close spawning. I fail to see how the player has "survived" untill the land is in this poor state with nothing on them.
  5. madpeter@gmail.com

    Enforced server configs

    The settings that enforce what version of the beta is needed should be checked that its enabled, servers not setup to enforce beta should not be allowed to connect to hive. Known side effects of this [the effects that apply change depending on the beta version on the server and that of the client] 1: Zombies dont detect the player. 2: Loot does not spawn. 3: Water and food level does not go down. 4: Player can not be seen by other players but can shoot them. 5: Zombies do not spawn 6: Zombies randomly run around when you shot but do not start to follow you. 7: Blood does not go down when shot [apart from insta death shots] 8: Gun shot smoke effects do no go away after shooting and follow you around. 9: Sound effects trigger in the wrong locations [EG shooting a gun next to someone but to them it sounds far away]
  6. madpeter@gmail.com

    IMPORTANT: Tents will be wiped in update

    can we please hold off the tent wipe untill after the zombie fix, right now zombies are apearing right next to me and 1hitting me even when flat on my belly in the middle of a field no where near buildings.
  7. madpeter@gmail.com

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    Maybe we could allow self blood transfusion but with a risk of 1 of the following side effects. Toxic shock: renders your player unable to move for 10mins HIV: All stats down for life small Allergic reaction: random chance of 1 of the following effects A: No sound for 2 mins B: Shakes [that painkillers would normaly remove] for 2 mins
  8. madpeter@gmail.com

    Forum tweak

    The list of people online at the bottom should be shortened or disabled with a option to view the list Current 3,077 users active in the past 15 minutes (940 members, 44 of whom are invisible, and 2,133 guests) Google, Bing, Alexa Internet, Yahoo!, "Big" Mike Polaski, *Legion*, 007117, 10Lives, 13th, 2Skan, 2slow4you, 3rwww1, 4e4en, 4iRwalK ..... [and so on] Example 3,077 users active in the past 15 minutes (940 members, 44 of whom are invisible, and 2,133 guests). [Click to view] the same change could be applyed to the users viewing this XXX Current User(s) browsing this forum: arnaxxzz, Carpetbob, Conger ..... [and so on] Example User(s) browsing this forum: 51 User(s), 4 Creepy stalker User(s), 69 Guest(s)
  9. madpeter@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    2round shotgun ammo % is to high its everywhere. food and soda is very high % it seems right now. Zombies seem to know where you are and will allways find you when duck walking, the sound levels are the same as running. Hitting other players with a axe makes no noise to the player being hit at all just your hud updating. Barbed wire is being used to stop new players from getting into towns, Elecro and cherno are blocked off with it sandbags and tank traps you should be able to force your way past barbed wire but taking a hit in blood with maybe a chance to start bleeding. Bardbed wire has no effect on zombies. Zombies detect from miles away even if no LOS, maybe they are taking to each other Telepathic zombies?
  10. madpeter@gmail.com

    Enforced server name

    the server name should be an enforced [and if it can be done set via the scripts] examples DayZ | US - 10 | Texas | | UTC - 8 | DF: Vet | Ch: Off | Lighting: Off | 3P: Off | Water: Not safe DayZ | EU - 5 | UK | | UTC | DF: Rec | Ch: Off | Lighting: On | 3P: On | Water: Safe DayZ | EU - 78 | France | | UTC + 1 | DF: Reg | Ch: Off | Lighting: On | 3P: Off | Water: Not safe templated DayZ | [Assigned server name] | [Region name] | [Loaded mod version] | [Detected time offset from mod] | [server Difficulty level] | [Config option public chat] | [Config option film lighting mode] | [Config option 3rd person veiw] | [Water kills your items] If more detail is needed in the region name they could have for example UK / Wales France / Lyon Texas / Dallas so it removes the unknowns for example DayZ Zombie RPG - Atlanta 21 (v1.7.1.2) dayzmod.com - Hosted by XXX that server name tells us nothing about what offset it has, what Difficulty its on or what we can expect, also some admins have listed they where on when they where still on 1.7.0 so having the mod enforce the names should help filter that out. and anyone who just named their server could be added to the blacklist. Other ideas on how to enforce server naming are welcome.
  11. madpeter@gmail.com

    Seattle 21 - 2 player lockout

    Server: Seattle 21 Issue: locked at playing with 2 players [same effect as passwording it]
  12. madpeter@gmail.com

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    need one with the dayZ logo with the text "Friendlys in cherno?"
  13. the market shops now sell only wood and empty tin cans, all the buildings and farm houses seem to be empty [apart from the zombies who spawn and dont leave the building] just everything seems to be super rare in
  14. madpeter@gmail.com

    Server: US92 TX - Beware of hackers

    thats why its titled Beware, and I dont know the name. if I was expecting to find a hacker I would have been recording.
  15. Report: Shot a player 10times in the head with the M1911 pistol followed by 5 shots with the shotgun he then stoodup turned around and 1 shoot'd me with the starting pistol from 12K blood to dead. Player name: unknown Version: 1.7.1