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Mr Zee

New Player stuck

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I watched all of Syndicates videos so have a pretty fair idea of how DayZ works (or used to in our case since we no longer spawn with food/weapons/drink).

I seem to really struggle getting near any loot, due to zombie spawns. I'm very careful not to sprint, usually always crouched and moving slowly from place to place. Don't know if its just bad luck but zombies seem to just spawn across the corners from me and they instantly see me, even if I don't move.

Other than that if a zombie see's me its GG, I know i'm dead with no weapon.

Other than be more stealthy, and literaly crawl everywhere, does anyone have any tips I could apply?

Edit: Even fully crawling they seem to see me through walls, is this a known issue?

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If your unarmed. Sometimes the best option is to run right at zombies. Aggro them all and those them by running threw a building that your not trying to loot from. Divert them away.

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Usually what me and the people I'm playing with do when we spawn (when we don't have any weapons) is that we just run by the water to the big cities (Cherno and Elektro). Zombies apparently are afraid or piers and every town in the coast has one so if you're getting chased while trying to get in Cherno or Elektro, just keep running until you find the pier and you'll get rid of them. While in the town, we're just really careful, watching each others back and just waiting 15 minutes in the same spot if we need to (and while moving, just prone or crouch if zombies get really close - and just hide between cars if you're in the middle of the road or just get behind a wall.. Stuff like that), just to make sure that it's safe (we only shoot when we really need to. I don't know, I think that we just rather waiting than actually shooting our guns and aggro more zombies). It's pretty easy to find weapons in Cherno (don't know about Elektro, though), so you just have to get there. And when you get a weapon it'll be way easier. Just don't rush in there. Wait and make sure that it's safe to get in a place before you actually go in.

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I seem to have been able to do my own version of a quick start both in Churno and Elektro fairly effectively. I use stealth. I crouch walk (not run, I hold down shift) around. If I have to move between zombies or in a corridor I crawl. I look for open doorways. I go into every open house I see, especially if they are two stories.

I find that starting in Churno or Elektro at the dock areas is the easiest. Sometimes getting into town is the hardest part as there is little cover and the perimeter is always swarming.

Also don't be shy about using alt while walking to turn your head. I am constantly scanning. Patience has been what has saved me. It has also made me a nervous wreck. People have posted here several times, and I will post again, the quick-start guides.

They use the opposite of my method and it has never worked for me but clearly it works for some people more skilled than I:

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thanks guys, is it just me or does tapping shift twice not toggle run/walk correctly? even when I remap it it will only ever toggle to walk, but not back, and holding LShift doesn't temporary toggle while its held down. I had to die to get it back to normal.

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Yeah, I have huge huge issues with toggling run and walk. I have not found a solution.

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Sigh.....still not having any success....I try to use rooms to ditch them, but its not slowing them down. God all I need is like a shitty axe or somthing and I'll be ok.

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Whats happening are you like aggro'ing zombies a lot? If you are you can 1) zig zag up hills 2) kite them through buildings (it slows them down) 3) hope fences using V

Hatchets are plentiful. I've found them in little industrial areas, little shacks, houses. But really when you first start off I think its best to go for what a friend of mine refers to as "big plays". Because you have the least to lose at the start.

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Whats happening are you like aggro'ing zombies a lot? If you are you can 1) zig zag up hills 2) kite them through buildings (it slows them down) 3) hope fences using V

Hatchets are plentiful. I've found them in little industrial areas' date=' little shacks, houses. But really when you first start off I think its best to go for what a friend of mine refers to as "big plays". Because you have the least to lose at the start.


It's not so much that I'm getting big packs, its just that individual ones they are seeing me from around corners before I see them, it seems a little bugged.

The worst ones are those leap-frog like ones, they just come out of no-where even when I've prescouted.

Don't get me wrong I am enjoying the game, just feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall atm until I get lucky and find a weapon, i'm trying to make it to one of the cities as mentioned, slowly getting there I think.

Right now they have me pinned at the docks (two zombies) when I try to move they just come after me lol

Ooooo found the airfield and got me an M4 with ammo, zombies watch out!

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Do you drop to a crawl when they are near?

How many tries have you given restarting?

What city are you spawning in? (I refuse to do anything but Churno and Elektro from the inside areas)

Hows your sound? (hearing zombies before you see them is invaluable)

Is it night-time? (its almost unplayable at night)

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Do you drop to a crawl when they are near?

How many tries have you given restarting?

What city are you spawning in? (I refuse to do anything but Churno and Elektro from the inside areas)

Hows your sound? (hearing zombies before you see them is invaluable)

Is it night-time? (its almost unplayable at night)

Its daytime, I'm starting around the shoreline near a little villiage ish place, its usually a spawn point west of the airfield closest to the shoreline.

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Yeah see thats rough. Well first off when you log in, check the right hand corner. There were be silver lettering that quickly dissapears. This tells you where you are at. Check the second line to see what town you are in. It will always be on the coast as all the starting zones are. Then use THIS map: http://dayzdb.com/map#4.074.099 to find out where you are at what buildings are around you.

I always go for caution over speed, so really, honestly, if you see a zombie, hear a zombie, don't go that way. Find a longer ruote into town. I highly reccomend you watch some guides. I died a lot today trying to get a good start. Probably about 10 times. It happens.

Now I'm better at it.

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Cool, just learned the hard way that an M4 maybe isn't the best weapon to use, as soon as I did I had an army of zombies on me at the airfield, many more than the ammo I had lol

Uhmm as for the guides suggestion could you link t one? all the ones i've found are outdated and they start with weapons.

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I never fire in the city unless its in a building. Ever.

I think there are a lot of written guides on this very forum you should read. Check out the quick start guides I linked earlier. They are outdated, they are done in a way that I don't do, but locations are so important. Figuring out what buildings are enterable, what loot they drop, and how to kite zombies...thats what you need to work on now.

As to the outdated guides, just take it with a grain of salt.

I must sleep. I hope you find what your looking for.

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i found out that the problem in not finding weapons is in the fact that i coudn't actually see them, because i didn't know where to watch on the floor! and was too much afraid by zombies. just enter everywhere, try to sneak but if they see you just run inside buildings where you can put some distance between you and them, i always run to fire stations, i know it's dangerous, i've seen soo many dead players there but you have nothing to loose at that point. also hills can help in loosing zombies

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All those empty tin cans, empty bottles and road flares everywhere in those buildings. Put them to use! As long as you don't have much equipment and plenty of space, pick them up, throw them to distract zombies, enter buildings for stuff, profit!

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There is a video on throwing in the GuideZ channel. We seriously are trying to make videos for every little nuance of the game.

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If you have a buddy you can always use him to distract the zombies. Have him run through town to draw them away. He can lose them eventually by running up, down, or zigzagging up the hill or by running through a building. You can then collect all the goodies in peace and share with your buddy. Just be careful when putting weapons in your pack. You need the right amount of space or they'll vanish.

Also, watch the roofs. Sometimes zombies spawn on roofs. More than likely they'll die when the fall off but that's not a promise.

Search the immediately spawn area as well. You'll usually see a few industrial looking buildings before getting to a major town. Check them. Hatchets are very common.

Also, don't hug walls. Shooters have taught us to do that but it's a bad idea in DayZ. Right now, zombies can detect you through them so try to keep a little distance between you and the walls.

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One thing thats quite annoying (and I know its just how the game is) is the amount of geared players that just farm new commers in the main cities, I know if you want to avoid it don't goto the main cities blah blah.

But honestly you dont have much choice because by the time you farm gear in the smaller areas, some dick jumps on with his hacking tools and kills everyone on the server.

Actually TBH I can't believe how often I see snipers in this game, its like they are super easy to get or somthing

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Just out of interest what update and patch are you on? perhaps the difficulty is an older patch?

Failing that, Patience and crawling everywhere while taking care to notice your ear and eye icons is the only way to go unless you do the Run around like a loony at respawn.

I have the volume up also so I can hear the grunts and whines of Zeds, remembering line of sight (LOS) rule you can't go wrong.

Have some morphine and bandages spare also, it helps.

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I don't have problems with zombies anymore, I've found out they are actually quite stupid.

Its more player based now, lots of stalkers out there.

As for patch it's the latest one, I know this because our servers don't allow you using older versions of DayZ

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