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Any good tutorials?

Where is the best place to find animals to chop up and make into tasty treats?

I have all the stuff, but I needa cut down a tree, light the kindling, find an animal, gut it, make it into steaks.

I'd like a little guidance. I'm paranoid about trying stuff without knowing what to do first because I've had a lot of issues with bugs and dropping and deleting stuff and being shot at while trying to figure out systems like the inventory.

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First i would suggest, you'd not put on the fire as long as you haven't looted the dead animal, Zombies are attracted by the light and the smoke can be seen by other players too. Only make your fireplace in the forests and NOT in open spaces.

If you want to find animals, here are my personal experiences with them:

1) Cows - provide the most meat (8 pieces), they're often found on large fields. I have found a cow in a forest too, but that's very uncommon. Be careful, because at the open field everyone can see you. After taking the meat, go to the forest and cook it!

2) Sheep (5 meat) and goats (3 meat) are also found on open fields and grassland, same procedure as cow.

3) Boars are most commonly found in the forests. They drop 4 raw meat and are (IMO) the best meat providers in DayZ. The advantages are, that there is always a forest nearby.

4) Rabbits - these animals you will meet the most. They have 2 big disadvantages: They are running around in a zig-zag-course, so they're hard to catch (sometimes they stop and look around a bit, but not too long). The other thing is: They just drop 1 meat, so i would just hunt them if you REALLY need to.

5) Chicken - I have never hunted a chicken because i always had Zeds nearby. Chickens appear at farms and in suburbs or small villages. They only provide 1 meat and it is dangerous to gut an animal when you're surrounded by wandering undead ;)

As said, when you're done with looting the meat, get into the forest and make your fire. Just don't forget to put out the fire after you have finished cooking.

I hope i was able to help you :)



PS: this was just about the animals and how to look for them - nice tutorial how to use all the items see below (Post by FlangeHamm3r) :)

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Find and shoot an animal. Farm animals tend to appear on farmland (goats, cows and sheep), wild pigs can be found in the forest and rabbits are everywhere but I'd ignore them unless you're desperate as they aren't easy to shoot and you'll waste ammo trying to kill one on the run for a tiny bit of meat.

Once it's dead walk up to it and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to open the context menu. "Gut Animal" should be right at the top, you need to select that. An animation will play and a message will tell you that "X has been gutted and there are now X steaks on the carcass". Open gear and take the steaks.

Go to a forest, stand with your face up against a tree, open your gear and right-click on the hatchet. Select "Gather wood", if you're in the right place you should have a pile of firewood added to your gear. It takes up 2 slots so make sure you have space.

Next find a gap on a bit of ground. Open gear, right click on your matches and select "Make fireplace". Once the fire is made use the context menu (scroll wheel) to select "Light fire". Then use the same menu to select "Cook meat". This will cook all the steaks in your active menu, not any that are in your backpack. Meat has to be in your active gear in order to be cooked.

Once cooked you eat it the same way you eat beans but it will give you a lot more blood back. I think it takes you longer to get hungry again if you're eating steak but that might just be my imagination.

Put out the fire as soon as you are done with it unless you need to warm up first. Be sensible about where you light it; if it's night then be deep in a forest, I've seen them on the side of hills facing cities at night - you might as well have a big flashing neon sign that says "I have meat, matches, a hatchet and a hunting knife. Would you like to kill me and take them?". The smoke from a fire is visible in daylight so avoid lighting a fire near anywhere you think may be occupied (unless it's a decoy fire). It will also attract nearby infected so really don't light one near a village.

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Thankyou so much for that Firehammer.


I had watched that video, but it was fast, hard to see, and I am warry of old videos...they have fooled me into believing outdated things before. Thanks for the post thought I might have missed it were I not an extensive searcher with too much time.

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Hey I was just wandering where can I find some matches, I haven't seen a single one since I started playing ( haven't seen also any gun except from macarov and m1911 ><) ?

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Keep an eye out for white spots on the edge of your screen. These are either zeds or animals, so if you're not near any buildings, it's probably an animal Turn until the spot disappear, and the animal should be right on the edge of your screen where the spot was.

These spots might not appear on hardcore servers, not sure.

In general, though, big fields close to farms are good. The cows and goats are easy to see there. Just shoot one, gut it, get the meat and LEAVE the area before cooking the meat. People will have heard the shot and might come to investigate, so move a fair distance before starting a fire.

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