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God Mode

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My crew and I just fought against dudes in god mode, we both put 3 magazines into them and they didn’t take any damage or bleed but could kill us. Wtf!? I’m done with this game until this shit is fixed.

10 VSD rounds point blank, 2 LAR Mags, 3 or 4 M4 mags under 25M

Edited by RussianReavers

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Yeah I had something familiar early Aswell. Headshotted some one and hit them more times he then just wipes me out.  

I think I got it recorded on my Xbox 

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Play on a better server were owners are not admins just players.


Take a look at this one. Its new and no god mode


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This is Xbox buddy, there’s no admins, no private servers exist.

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  On 7/7/2019 at 9:09 PM, RussianReavers said:

This is Xbox buddy, there’s no admins, no private servers exist.



My bad,I forgot this was out on console 

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Saw a post on reddit stating that There’s apparently a thing called “armour stacking”. Not sure how it works tbh , all I know is it involves a glitch where you wear multiple helmets or plate carriers thus increasing damage resistance . 

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