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Indications of banditry might reassure survivors to not shoot on sight.

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I propose that it would be more immersive for someone to hold you up for your loot, then leave you alone rather than just shoot you in the face. Being able to get at least a sense of how dangerous or unpredictable a survivor is will go a long way.

Good or bad, interaction in a game like this is a good thing. Seeing someone else is so rare that you don't want the only interaction to be exchanging gunfire.

So here is one of my ideas.

1. If you meet another survivor, when you hover over them they will have different "titles" that represent a real-life equivalent emotion that you'd be able to see in real life, depending on how many survivors (innocents) they've killed. For example:

0 kills - Survivor

1 kill - Nervious survivor

2 kills - Cautious survivor

3 kills - Unpredictable survivor

4 kills - Ruthless survivor

And so on. This way, it wouldn't be as black and white as "bandit" or "survivor" and a survivor would be able to make their own decision based on their title, choosing whether to avoid that survivor entirely or try to interact, which is a risk, but that's in the spirit of a game like this.

I have a bunch of others, but we'll see how this thread goes.

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DayZ is PvP with some elements of PvE added, not the other way around. People will kill for food, weapons, because you are about to expose their position to others and for the lulz.

Can we for once have a game that is brutal, difficult, hard and unforgiving. So screw bandit-skins, killing side effects and other things that might suit the carebears.

Either you learn and adapt to this type of game play, in other words you learn to survive in the way that is most suited for this game, or I would suggest that you go play something else.

Yes the game has its bugs and glitches, exploits and hacks, they need to be adressed and where possible fixed, the one thing that does not need fixing is the idea behind this mod.

The idea of tagging players for the amount of kills is idiot, I am a survivor who is at times nervous, cautious, unpredictable and ruthless.

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I'm going to have to disagree, Robert. This isn't a case of brutality, its a case of realism as so many have been quick to say is the most important aspect of this mod.

Having the option to gun down anyone needs to stay, but that option is so freely exercised that there's no room for any other option or playstyle. Its because its a game that it needs indicators for such things, there is no emotional attachment which makes you think twice about actions as there are in real life.

In other words, You want the realism of bruality but not of morality or consequence. That sounds more unreasonable than what im suggesting.

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You want the realism of bruality but not of morality or consequence

Thats pretty much the deal. A lot of people think removing consequence makes it "realistic" when it actually just makes fake killing easier.

As for your idea I dont support it but some indicators of behavior could be useful. I liked Rockets "crows" idea for instance.

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The Mod is still alpha so to all those saying it's firstly PvP are wrong, at the min we only have a small amount of zombies around because they are tweaking their AI behaviour and animations. They have already tested the hordes back in 1.5 or 1.6 when they ran into problems, i'm 99% sure that the current amount of zombies we have will be boosted by about 100% after the AI is done for them.

This Mod isn't supposed to be STALKER with groups of bandits, it's supposed to be a zombie apocalypse with people thrown into the shit/deep end, are we really supposed to be able to run around like we do at the min with only a few zombies lurking about?

They have only just started to place zombies into buildings to challenge us a bit more, now all they have to do is sort out the hitting through walls and speed them up a little when they are inside a structure and then add allot more of them back into the game.

Then we will have DayZ back and not the Bean-warZ like we currently have.

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DayZ used to have a morality system, but it was disabled.

Rocket has said that he wants to reimplement somesort of morality system in the future, but the current one he has isn't what he wants for the mod.

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I propose that it would be more immersive for someone to hold you up for your loot' date=' then leave you alone rather than just shoot you in the face. Being able to get at least a [i']sense of how dangerous or unpredictable a survivor is will go a long way.

If you really want their items, its simpler to just shoot them. No communication necessary, less stress about your hostage needing to cooperate and some people even get a kick out of it. Currently the trigger happy mentality is deeply ingrained into the community and its just another free-for-all shooter.

There were times when the experience of player interaction was different and your suggestion would have worked, when people actually wanted to cooperate and wanted to trust another player. The desire to treat any random player you encounter as another human being has diminished to nil I'd say. Makes it frustrating & stressful for anyone who liked to socialize and makes it a happy fragfest for all the sociopaths.

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I propose that it would be more immersive for someone to hold you up for your loot' date=' then leave you alone rather than just shoot you in the face. Being able to get at least a [i']sense of how dangerous or unpredictable a survivor is will go a long way.

Good or bad, interaction in a game like this is a good thing. Seeing someone else is so rare that you don't want the only interaction to be exchanging gunfire.

So here is one of my ideas.

1. If you meet another survivor, when you hover over them they will have different "titles" that represent a real-life equivalent emotion that you'd be able to see in real life, depending on how many survivors (innocents) they've killed. For example:

0 kills - Survivor

1 kill - Nervious survivor

2 kills - Cautious survivor

3 kills - Unpredictable survivor

4 kills - Ruthless survivor

And so on. This way, it wouldn't be as black and white as "bandit" or "survivor" and a survivor would be able to make their own decision based on their title, choosing whether to avoid that survivor entirely or try to interact, which is a risk, but that's in the spirit of a game like this.

I have a bunch of others, but we'll see how this thread goes.

Your idea only works with name plates enabled. I don't know about you, but name plates are all kinds of trouble. The fact that you can see someone through walls doesn't help.

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I propose that it would be more immersive for someone to hold you up for your loot' date=' then leave you alone rather than just shoot you in the face.[/quote']

That's completely unpractical, sadly.

You sneak up behind someone "Don't turn around, drop your gun and pack, and walk around slowly" - he disconnects and switches server.

There's many other ways such a hold up can go wrong. You've revealed your location, and your victim will have his gun at the ready. With just a bit of lag, he can turn around and kill you. He has little to lose. He just respawns with a bit less gear than if he had gotten robbed.

It's nearly always safer to shoot first and ask questions later.

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Classifications makes you rely on them blindly and this game is not about acting blindly. In my opinion its a bad idea and so are the proposed ideas much like this one.

The gaming community is so indoctrinated with nursing moves like that. Remember how much WoW has been simplified over the years? Simplifying stats, making broader classes of understanding which you can now 100% rely on. Reading and writing skills are no longer required for you to play such a game. All you have to act on is a culturebased understanding of the colours red and green. The epiphany of such a system is a game you might know, its called Diablo III.

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Let players control their own classifications.

Don't ask the machine or the game to do it for them.

Put the power to observe behaviors and classify survivors into the hands of players themselves. Give them the ability to recognize other survivors, and classify them based upon their actual observed behaviors.

This is far more authentic than having some magical third party judge inside the game deciding who is naughty and who is nice and drawing up a convenient list for everyone to consult.

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