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Luis Espada

Weapon spawns.

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I've been playing since day one release on ps. Id find shotgun, bk-18, smg's in starting towns no problem, I'd go to military tent and I'd find an M4 or a KA etc. Now i can't find any weapons unless i kill a player basically. I've tried everywhere. NWA, Tisy just nothing.. what's the point in spending hours getting to a place only to find the same stuff over and over again (stocks, kobra sights etc. It never used to be like this now it's constant.. am i missing something?

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4 hours ago, Acids House said:

Duping ruined the loot tables. Most of the good shit is not spawning due to this.

This needs fixing asap. Completely ruining the experience. 


On the plus side these people duping are literally walking loot, they focus so much on the glitching side of the game that they forget how to play it, so 9/10 you'll get wrecked.

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4 hours ago, Luis Espada said:

This needs fixing asap. Completely ruining the experience. 


On the plus side these people duping are literally walking loot, they focus so much on the glitching side of the game that they forget how to play it, so 9/10 you'll get wrecked.

Yes it does need fixing asap. Its breaking the game. I think the devs currently working on a fix behind the scenes. We need a server wipe too. Even without a fix a server wipe would be a temporary solution and fix the loot tables until the dupers catch back up.

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Please fix duping and server hop asap! I cant find one single good weapon... this game is getting boring only with BK-133 

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I am experiencing the same thing. This definitely needs to be fixed A.S.A.P. Not seeing any night vision scopes or tents either. I blew the engine on two different cars and even after a weeks worth of server restarts neither have respawned.

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Yes it is a problem i have had, Got it on release day spent weekend grinding getting used 2 game 50+ Hours mastering the inventory system. To the find its natural progression to want pvp i have now spent over 200+  guns i haven't hopped server i run the night have looted every military base multiple times going up and down map. I have only found m1m4 once, and two KA M's and only found the 2nd KA last night in bottom left of map. And others in watch towers the little ones round edge of military zone. The only time i found them was when the military bases have lots of infected and players in and around  ... If thats any ues or not... Also  i haven't found any dupping bases yet and i check the popular spots on every server i go on until its fixed its a grind but when u get1 u have 2 pvp or wots the point lol losing hurts more coz so hard 2 find 

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