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Bad version,Connection rejected by server

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OK so this i what happened, i made a server about 7 days ago and its been running great an update came out so i updated the server and updated the vm that the server is running on. when the vm updated the ip changed so i had to fix all my port forwarding and then set the ip to static to keep it from changeing. so now i git Bad version every time i try to connect, i can connect to any other server but mine and my friends can join it aswell with no problems.

Things i have tried...

delete my char data

switched from stable to exp then back

reinstalled dayz

did a player wipe on my server

deleted contents of dayz folder in my documents

reinstalled DZSA launcher so insure it is up2 date

 set my server to forceSameBuild =0;    

tried setting  verifysignatures =2; to 0 for lolz

tried joining with no mods on server and on client.

verified client files

reinstalled battle eye

smash head on desk


so that is everything i have tried if anyone has some pointers for me that would be great cuz i haven't been able to play sense the update 😞

thank you


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Either the game is a different version or one of the mods needs updating. Try getting the server running without adding any mods, then if it's the same version on client and server, add the mods back.

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i have tryed running the server with and without mods and same as client. basically i made it into a vanilla server and still can not connect 😞

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Download OmegaManager and use that to deploy a server. Copy your settings over and see if that work. It's an amazing tool that opens up all of the right ports and updates the game and mods automatically.

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