spankimus 71 Posted July 5, 2012 *Server: Chicago 57 (Hosted by Ghillie Suit Goons) ...(The [GSG] guys]*Time: ~1:30 a.m. ESTA friend of mine had spotted a large camp with several vehicles and tons of weapons... Thing is, those weapons weren't supposed to be in the game. So I went up to the camp and noticed someone standing there (A [GSG] clan member named "ThatDirtySlave"). I crept up on him (I think he was afk) and killed him. I ran to his body to check what he had real quick and found an M110 NV Scope rifle. Right after I took it an admin had kicked me. I then joined another server since I figured they kicked me to get in place to kill me when I logged back in... Then once I had gotten back to Chicago 57, I was in only for a moment before being kicked yet again. Every time I try joining this server now I just get kicked after a few moments, probably once they realize I'm back in.This server needs to be shut down immediately.Video: Edit: I got back in this server to see if they were still gonna kick me and they did. But after awhile they stopped... until I was mysteriously killed from nothing. Then once I got close to where I had died I started getting kicked again. Video: Good thing I had been recording, I was assuming shit was bout to go down. xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoChris 1 Posted July 5, 2012 tell us the coords and we will all go there straight away :P hehethis really is considerd admin abuse, and should be explained to them.Btw, at the stage where you move position. are you using speedhack or was you just speeding up the recording time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoChris 1 Posted July 5, 2012 maybe others have had same issue? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tandwan 250 Posted July 5, 2012 I agree, make the camp location public and let nature take its course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doc_Wreckshop 18 Posted July 5, 2012 I know where that is... I dont have a grid location gentlemen.Its north, past Pobeda Dam a few hundred meters, then to the right couple hundred meters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 5, 2012 tell us the coords and we will all go there straight away :P hehethis really is considerd admin abuse' date=' and should be explained to them.Btw, at the stage where you move position. are you using speedhack or was you just speeding up the recording time?[/quote']Lol, obviously just speeding up the time. Well I would say the coords but not too long afterwards they had a few server restarts and now ALL of their stuff is just gone. My guess is they just didn't want anyone else finding out. But in my video it does show that dude having the M110 + me getting kicked just after killing him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoChris 1 Posted July 5, 2012 ya should be enough prove for the dayz mods to see logs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wo0kie (DayZ) 16 Posted July 5, 2012 Someone just got fucked. Nice catch with the video! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 5, 2012 This is epic. good job Spanky :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 5, 2012 Thanks guys! And yeah something definitely does need to be done about this.. Dirty admins with op weapons just killing as they wish. I'm definitely going to keep recording as much as I can. I still can't even join this server, they keep on kicking me. xD I'm wondering if they just moved their camp... Maybe some of you guys could go scouting around the outskirts for it. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 5, 2012 Do you still have that M110 on you? Not sure but it might be an autokick function from the script adding in your 110 ? :S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 5, 2012 Nah I got rid of it. And I doubt it would be from that anyways. I can join any other server just fine, just not Chicago 57. And it's not an instant kick, it's a random time usually a min or 2 after I'm in. And plus if they're all using the guns they'd all be getting kicked too xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 5, 2012 Yeah true that, not sure if they would've found some way to bypass it.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 5, 2012 Normally why I tend to not join a server with clan members in it, not saying all of them are like this but I don't intend to take the chance. Hopefully they get shut down, plenty of other people waiting in line to host servers.Kind of pathetic on their part. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 36 Posted July 5, 2012 Lol at 0:32 you can see he has no ammo for the weapon in his inventory and he still has ammo in his right corner? Seems legit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wo0kie (DayZ) 16 Posted July 5, 2012 Lol at 0:32 you can see he has no ammo for the weapon in his inventory and he still has ammo in his right corner? Seems legit.You must be blind. I see 3+ Stanag mags in the player's inventory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 5, 2012 Lol at 0:32 you can see he has no ammo for the weapon in his inventory and he still has ammo in his right corner? Seems legit.You should look harder, there's 3 mags. But it's a bit hard to spot unless you run the video in 720p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 5, 2012 I definitely have 3 mags for it.. lol. The L85A2 takes normal stanag mags. And sorry bout the quality, I didn't feel like waiting a couple hours to upload it.Ok, so I was back in that server and I was instantly killed for no reason. Then I was kicked, and now I'm being kicked every time I join right away. I'm streaming it live - really hate to bump this but I'd like people to see this... still kicking me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoChris 1 Posted July 6, 2012 dont worry. people will see it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 6, 2012 I really hope so, cause now I got killed from absolutely nothing and kept getting kicked repeatedly afterwards until my body had disappeared. Then the kicks finally stopped.I know I can just find another server, and I will. I have plenty other servers I play on regularly. But I'd just like to make sure I have enough evidence here to get 'em shutdown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 6, 2012 It's a shame this server is still running... along with all the other servers with abusive admins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted July 6, 2012 Here's a video of the instant death then once I got close back to where my body was I started getting kicked again. I think at this time I was actually live streaming as well. They probably saw it and didn't want me getting back to my body. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hashisx 52 Posted July 6, 2012 Here's a video of the instant death then once I got close back to where my body was I started getting kicked again. I think at this time I was actually live streaming as well. They probably saw it and didn't want me getting back to my body. WTF is this shady shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spidey 7 Posted July 6, 2012 Hope someone from the Staff will read that. Bump that tread as soon it hit's the second page. Maybe contact them over twitter/website. This shouldnt go under the carpet! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites