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Hunting Knife - The silent killer.

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First of all I'd like to point out that I love how hard the game is and do not want it dulled down in any way, however...

I think the hunting knife should have the same option as the Hatchet because lets be honest...it looks pretty bad ass and if I were getting attacked by zombies I'd sure as hell use that if it were my only option.

In terms of balance and maintaining the difficulty of the game, I suggest the spawn rate of the Hunting Knife be reduced and it should take 2-3 shots to the body or 1 shot to the head to kill a zed, and seeing as it's a melee weapon it should be similar for players.

Heck, while we're at it.... why is there not a machete in the game? Isn't that an iconic zombie survival tool?

In summary, Hunting Knife should be a low tier weapon similar to the Hatchet. What are your thoughts on the matter?

p.s Wasn't sure if this suggestion had been made before, but I couldn't see it on any of the first few suggestion pages so yeah.

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I believe it's been tossed around infrequently, but hey, I agree with you after all. It seems like these don't follow the old fashioned Romero Rules, so a hunting knife would be just as valid a weapon as any. It would be pretty terrible, but so is having nothing.

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I think it would make a great melee weapon, I wish we could have a melee weapon slot

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i belive a bowie knife from code would be baws imo it would be very powerful and rare but i like your idea :)

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I think it would make a great melee weapon' date=' I wish we could have a melee weapon slot


That would make the game too easy. I think Hunting Knife should take the pistol slot. Would be pretty cool to throw the ol' rifle on the back and stab a boar to death before you gut it for it's precious loins.

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How about implementing a throwing spetznaz knife? It's pretty realistic:

While we are on this topic, that guy on the picture "vaults" over the f*cking barber wire in a proper way!


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It's Chernarus, of course there are Spetsnaz. Are you Spetsnaz?


Well, maybe. You can hit a target with an AK at five hundred yards, rebuild a helicopter, carry car engines in your backpack, run for miles without stopping, gut animals, build fires, navigate with map and compass, bandage wounds and apply medicine...

Maybe you are.

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Having the hunting knife as a melee weapon would be a good idea. A machete as a melee weapon would be awesome!

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Machete should be main slot and swing faster than the hatchet, but do less damage!

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