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Stephen Givens

server wipe notifications in game

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my base was wiped and i didn't know it and it appears that it will spawn needed items for base building and i say this because i found lots of stuff to put up a base but no wire to make the gate and when i tried for four days and then went home i found my base completely wiped. so i figure it was giving me the early parts of base building but putting notice in game will let people know it works this way and will give comfort and preparedness. I say this becuase i couldn't get any wire and when i got back and found my base gone well i was very angry. I know i don't read enough on line but having notice on screen during gameplay will make people less angry.

  • Confused 1

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What is even the point on base building atm when anyone can just server hop in to your base and dismantle it in couple minutes from inside, or just take the lock off from outside of the gate and walk in?

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