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Rewritng classes other mods

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I am install a modification Expansion Game chat.

I am try create a my submod with this as sample:

modded class ExpansionGlobalChat
	override void GlobalChat(CallType type, ref ParamsReadContext ctx, ref PlayerIdentity sender, ref Object target)
		GetExpansionChatBase().GlobalChat(type, ctx, sender, target);
		Param2< string, string > data;
        if ( !ctx.Read( data ) ) return;

		if( type == CallType.Server )	
			string name = sender.GetName();
			string steamid = sender.GetPlainId();
			string bisid = sender.GetId();
			string idtable = sender.GetPlayerId().ToString();
			string log_date_time = ExpansionGetDateTime();

			string format = "[" + log_date_time + "] " + "[Chat]" + " " + name + "(steamid=" + steamid + ", bisid=" + bisid + ") " + data.param2;


but i am get error:


How correct rewriting and customise functios in class other mod?

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Worked, fix:

class CfgPatches
	class DayZExpansionChat_SelverLogs

Thanks other community forums

Edited by AXEL777

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