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Seattle DayZ Server Hosted by TheMercs

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There's some guy shooting through barracks glass and through the walls itself (I was shot multiple times through the wall while prone) on the Seattle DayZ Server "Hosted by TheMercs". Killed a bunch of us at around 9:30-9:45PM Eastern at the NW Airfield.

Basically whoever killled [Elysium] Merik is using some type of hack as I was killed through the wall itself.

Come to think of it a bit earlier one of what I assume to be the same group ran in and shot one of us and then immediately ALT+F4'd out of the game.

Having seen nothing but hack after hack, exploit after exploit and having friends tell me of all the people they know that use them and the times they themselves have used them and do so extremely easily without ever being detected, I highly doubt I'll be playing much of the game anymore. 9/10 people I've come across have been exploiting or hacking or I've been killed due to bugs or zombies walking through walls and countless other things.

The smooth experience is such a rare thing that it occurs 1/50 times that you play the game.

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