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Post 1.5.7 brigandry

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So, how have you guys adapted to your trade in 1.5.7? I solo, and previously I would hunt guys through northern towns with my trusty Enfield.

Now, I find that identifying survivors in towns and moving to cut off their escape path with a Winchester is the only real source of sport and plunder without suppressed weapons.

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i sneak into towns, chillax for a bit on top of a roof or something high untill i see a flare or hear a shot.

I try to follow them around town in my scope and shoot them in their legs, some log of immediately, others just crawl away asap.

I kind of think as myself as a teacher of sorts, they'll probably be more carefull the next time they enter a city.

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As I am trying to reset my humanity and thus become a functional member of society / I am tired of people KoS-ing me, I've been engaging in the following:

1. I offer to help take people from position A to position B as I'm a boss-level scout / pathfinder and I'm generally able to avoid confrontations, but am pretty pro with a rifle... They pay me in beans and water, if they don't come good, they'll soon learn that the kindness of my heart has the ability to take his dues and leave you in the middle of fucking no-where with 1 bandage to patch the bullet i just put into your leg

2. If i'm in desperate need of beans, or I'm bored and want to train my sneak and scoutting skills, I'll find a survivor that looks pretty experienced (ALICE pack, assault rifle or whatever), stalk them across the map and follow in their footsteps, always keeping them in my iron sights. I'll then follow them to their camp (provided they have one), wait for them to put their shit in the tent or w/e, and then rob that tent for beans, medical supplies, or ammo for the weapons that i have. Or, if it's a big group camp. I'll mark it on my (saved to computer) map, and keep it in mind for next time i'm in the area and need me some beans...

3. Be in town, camping on tower, survivors below, fire off a cz50 round, attract a metric fucktonne of zombies, zombies eat survivors, i collect beans. However, I've stopped doing this, as it is collossal fuckwittery

c'est la vie

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3. Be in town' date=' camping on tower, survivors below, fire off a cz50 round, attract a metric fucktonne of zombies, zombies eat survivors, i collect beans. However, I've stopped doing this, as it is collossal fuckwittery


On this note, stalking survivors through towns and throwing flares or bottles at them is good sport, too.

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