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Dayz standalone Zeus mod?

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Zeus mode, for those of you who don’t know, is basically two parties facing off (It's not necessarily 2 parties, it can be just one team) in an environment controlled by one person. The person in control could spawn vehicles, animals, weapons, zombies and whatever else you can probably think of.

I would love a Zeus mode in DayZ (obviously on private servers). One could play as the director in L4D, keeping a band of survivors on their toes, sending zombie hordes their way, triggering random events (heli crash anyone ?) and weather changes. Also spawning or despawning loot based on the team's performance.

As an admin (zeus) you could write some stories (notes or diary) to lead person to somewhere/something. For example, in one house, Zeus could spawn two dead bodies and next to them would be note that would say that this dead couple saved some tresuary for better times all the way up north or something like this.

Something like this:

Is this doable? Any great coder intresting in doing this mod?

Edited by kevo1414

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