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Building a community, improves the game!

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Played for awhile last night with my cousin. Here is a little story about our experience. We stopped at a military base on our way to the coast. My cousin was changing out some gear while I was looking around for loot. At that time a player server hopped right into the base and started to stab my cousin. it was actually kind of funny because he thought I was playing with my knife until he realized he was getting stabbed. I ran to help, the player ran away before I could get there. I looked for him but I am sure he combat logged... My cousin died from his wounds.

I grabbed what I could from my cousins body and headed to the coast to meet up with him again. During our travels we ran into a few fresh spawns and supplied them with knives, food, water, etc. Of course we could have been assholes, bandits, psychos, etc. and just killed these players but why. There would be no reason to kill them, they had nothing we needed and they posed no threat. I think doing this helps strengthen and increase the player base. For instance, if one of these players just started playing the game and just get killed over and over, they will probably just stop playing. However, if they run into some friendly players that are willing to help them, they might return the favor at some point and help improve the community and game. Ran into another player this morning at the military base, he was just running around looting. I had the drop on him, he might have had some ammo or something I needed but why kill him? I asked if he needed any help, we talked a bit about the game and end game, then we both went our separate ways. 

I guess my point is, there does not always need to be pointless KOS. Even if there is a player that might have something you want, maybe just rob them vs. KOS. Take what you need, send them on their way :-) This type of game play, only improves the game play and environment for everyone. I am no against bandits, cannibal or anything like that, just making the experience better for everyone :-) If you are planning on eating someone, maybe capture them first... have a conversation with them... you may or may not want to kill them after.

Oh and please do something with military bases, high quality loot spawns, etc.

Two suggestions that make senses,

  1. Do not allow logging in and out while within a certain area of military base, police stations, airfields, etc. This alone would reduce hoppers and combat logging. :-)
  2. Don't allow logout for s certain time period after engaging in combat.
Edited by ShallowTech
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