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Crewman #6

Tactical Bacon and other Items

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1. Tactical Bacon or bacon product.

example: http://cmmginc.secure-mall.com/item/CMMG-Tactical-Bacon-1325

Also, I thought since it's salty, it may make one more thirsty.

2. MREs that restore food and partial drink.

3. More bow weapons, like compound bows.

I want to look awesome with a compound bow on my back...

4. A rare water bottle, that is attached to the tool belt.

Hard to find, but frees up an inventory slot.

5. Canned nuts.

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Are the nuts organic?

Sure why not?

What if you are allergic to nuts?

Another excellent use for the Epi-Pen.

Don't forget Dak ham!

I agree with you 115.75%

Also I'd like to add:

6. Zippo Lighters

For Cigarettes if added also,

requires to be filled with fuel or alcohol after so many uses.

7. Alcohol

I can't do a drive by with gin and juice if I have no gin...

8. Trip wire and/or bear traps

9. hunting knife as a sidearm weapon

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Hipster. -1


But good suggestion so +1

Thank you.

Also While not an item. I would like to suggest using repaired vehicles as a mobile tent.

Not the small vehicles but cars and trucks.

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A rare canteen that can be attached to the tool belt. Now to be fair you could make it so you have to remove it from the belt back into inventory to use it. And I still think Tactical bacon is a great idea.

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