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Death by Hackers twice in 20 minutes

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So... why are we still playing this mod when it's so fatally flawed?

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Because it's in Alpha stage you people need to understand this rocket and his team are working on these issues every day trying to prevent it.

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Because it's in Alpha stage you people need to understand this rocket and his team are working on these issues every day trying to prevent it.

lol...you were trying really hard not to say "Team Rocket" weren't you?

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I don't know. I'm not playing it really, I'm testing it - because it's an ALPHA.

Alpha ..... Alpha - do you know the word????? AAAAALLLLLLPPPPPHHHHAAAAAAAA!


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I don't know. I'm not playing it really' date=' I'm testing it - because it's an ALPHA.

Alpha ..... Alpha - do you know the word????? AAAAALLLLLLPPPPPHHHHAAAAAAAA!



This is what you it's-in-alpha-is-my-response-to-everything people don't understand. This is a fatal flaw. This prevents anyone from really testing the game beyond anything more than shooting zombies and survivors. This should be priority number one for Rocket and BIS.

My point is that this is making the mod unplayable and untestable. I hope they're working on this issue and I hope they fix it ASAP. Until then I can't see myself doing much more than using the game as a deathmatch.

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I don't know. I'm not playing it really' date=' I'm testing it - because it's an ALPHA.

Alpha ..... Alpha - do you know the word????? AAAAALLLLLLPPPPPHHHHAAAAAAAA!



This is what you it's-in-alpha-is-my-response-to-everything people don't understand. This is a fatal flaw. This prevents anyone from really testing the game beyond anything more than shooting zombies and survivors. This should be priority number one for Rocket and BIS.

My point is that this is making the mod unplayable and untestable. I hope they're working on this issue and I hope they fix it ASAP. Until then I can't see myself doing much more than using the game as a deathmatch.

Give up now. Hacks have always been a problem in ARMA. All I can suggest is getting on servers that are administered well.

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been playing for 3 months' date=' never encountered a hacker


Which servers are you playing in? I've been playing in random servers like Atlanta 15 and NY7 and I've been killed by hackers - along with everyone else in the server - several times in the last few days.

I don't know. I'm not playing it really' date=' I'm testing it - because it's an ALPHA.

Alpha ..... Alpha - do you know the word????? AAAAALLLLLLPPPPPHHHHAAAAAAAA!



This is what you it's-in-alpha-is-my-response-to-everything people don't understand. This is a fatal flaw. This prevents anyone from really testing the game beyond anything more than shooting zombies and survivors. This should be priority number one for Rocket and BIS.

My point is that this is making the mod unplayable and untestable. I hope they're working on this issue and I hope they fix it ASAP. Until then I can't see myself doing much more than using the game as a deathmatch.

Give up now. Hacks have always been a problem in ARMA. All I can suggest is getting on servers that are administered well.

This is what concerns me. Maybe they're unable or unwilling to fix the hacker problem as evidenced by it always being a problem in ARMA. If that's the case then DayZ will never reach it's potential and will be severely hindered.

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