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What to do next?

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I have the equipment i need..... But i dont know what to do now :/

If i go to a popular city it will be exiting and action packed, but i'll more than likely just get shot by a sniper as soon as i set foot in the city. What do you guys do when you are satisfied with your equipment?

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I have the equipment i need..... But i dont know what to do now :/

If i go to a popular city it will be exiting and action packed' date=' but i'll more than likely just get shot by a sniper as soon as i set foot in the city. What do you guys do when you are satisfied with your equipment?


Take a midnight stroll into a town or city. It's good for avoiding snipers I'd imagine but it's a gamble because they may have NVG's.

Hook-up with another player from the forum and search for vehicles. (I will not be blamed for your death if they kill you)

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You look for even more satisfying equipment. Get NVGs, rangefinders, GPS, frags, coyote pack, ghille or camo depending on your liking, get a good close range gun that two shots a player and keep a high powered sniper in your backpack such as the M107 or AS50. Find an m9 SD and ammo for a good sidearm but make sure you head shot since its weak. Find the perfect inventory setup that will support your needs perfectly in any possible situation.

After that find a server with vehicle spawns and find the one that suits you best. Fix it up, get it running, repair all the windows because they block bullets from certain guns, and so on. Get a tent or two and fill it with everything that you need to fix another vehicle and to survive without that one and keep stuff in the vehicle as well.

Due to DayZ being an alpha the tents and vehicles like to vanish, so make sure you can live in the vehicle without the tent and fix another vehicle if you lose the vehicle, and always keep your inventory good enough that if all should fail and you lose both then you can survive.

After that it is up to you to find something to do. Do you want to find an M136 anti tank rocket launcher? Collect vehicles? Kill yourself and start over, possibly choosing a new play style to challenge yourself and liven things up?

Also find friends to play with. The game takes on a lot more when doing rescue missions in your car, fighting snipers in cherno with them while you try to get out safely, defending them from a hoard of zombies that just don't seem to ever stop because your ally's legs are broken and you both are out of morphine.

Its a sandbox game and you do what you want in the end, but those are my recommendations to keep you going for a while and provide some good entertainment.

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My clan had that problem, but we decided to go around fixing up as many vehicles as we can and build a Base of Operations etc or our snipers/spotters like to go off to towns/cities to murder people. But they are easier to achieve if you have a group/clan where as it sounds like you're alone?

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im a lone wolf - zombie hunter ... so i take my route or search for a new one, looting for ammo, taking zombies out and try not to be seen or heard by others ... and if i see or hear someone, i will take him out if he's on my route ... but if its not a easy kill or he isnt a threat for my route, i dont shoot him ;)

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Here's some stuff I've enjoyed doing:

1. Protect newbies. Shoot those pesky zombies chasing after bleeding, unarmed spawners.

2. Start a transportation service with a bus/car/boat (chopper? u crazy?)

3. Look for more stuff so you'll have replacements if when you die.

4. Roadtrip - visit every town on foot.

5. See if you can hit that zombie at 200m with a pistol (CHECK).

6. Get in the NWA tower, pop smoke/flares on the airfield, and shoot EVERYTHING.

Or, more simply:

1. Explore. You'll find shit to do.

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