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PRTA.co Collection | Custom Mods | Reworked Building & Raiding

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PRTA is a multi-gaming community launched in 2011. We now plan on branching into DayZ with our own unique server and concept.

Visit us: https://prteamwork.com/




Server Concept

Destroying a base is only possible sundays 20:00 - 21:59 coordinated universal time (8:00 pm to 9:59 pm UTC).
With this we hope to heavily change the behavior of players involving bases. Fights are more likely going to happen on bases during raiding times. And you have prepare attacks more carefully now. The reason for this change is that you simply can not defend your base 24/7 and you should not have to do that.

Various base building buffs
Recipe changes, you can now craft storage and other utility items for your base, tools last longer; Lets be honest: Your wood axe should not get an heart attack after the 7th tree.
Oh yeah and: Build Anywhere.

Base raiding nerfed
Apart from the raid time mechanic mentioned above, we have also tweaked the destruction of bases a bit. Tools get more damaged now and it also takes longer to destroy a base part from the outside.

Loot adjustments
It is no secret that hoarding items in your base affects their spawning chances negatively. We have changed that. Hoarding 10 assault rifles in barrels does not affect their spawning anymore. Additionally, things like nail boxes and metal wire is now a little bit more common.

Strong hardware
7700K, 32GB RAM and system admins who have nothing better to do! That should be enough for a decent experience.

An entire list of changes and a more detailed explanation can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mKrEuEWXXKHTJTflLILCZrFwgN7R716pHY7LtIEROE0


Join the server

Simply subscribe to this collection: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1592711546
Start DayZ via launcher, enable these mods, click on play. Done.

Server browser
Open the community tab of the server browser, type in "PRTA" at the name filter, hit apply and wait until you can see the server.

In case you can not find the server:


Join us

... as an individual
We have a lot of different clans taking part in our community. We suggest checking out our teamspeak (https://prteamwork.com/link-forums/teamspeak.326/) and just talking to random people. Protip: The guys from the AREA 94 clan are the main DayZ players, feel free to have a word with them!

... as a group
PRTA was founded by multiple clans playing and working together. You can apply as your own group and claim your own benefits on multiple game servers, events and our teamspeak server.

Have a chat: https://prteamwork.com/link-forums/discord.1512/ Tag @CAS_ual_TY for more infos on the DayZ server. Or add him: CAS_ual_TY#4737


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Edited by moe_botnic

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