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[BFM] Back From Hell Bandit Clan recruiting

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Hello Lady and gentlemen!

today i'm starting up a Bandit clan Its meant to have fun not shoot on site in intense situations like being fire-aponded the rules can be disengaged

What we do:

- 1. Rob people

- 2. Have Fun

- 3. Farm


- 6. Noticed i missed 5

- 8. More info Contact me on my Steam : Ninjawaffle63 , Theirs no 7.


- Be on alot

- Able to Switch your main server to Our clans needs

- Good at Shooters

- [ Major ] Mature, If you Aren't You can GTFO!

Contact me and hit me up im mostly on all day so lets have fun

The Cap is 6 Players! So hurry and Apply by talking to me :D

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Somehow recruitment posts in games like this make you paranoid.

Its a bit like eve online and asking someone to join you in null sec all he has to do is bring all his stuff over.

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I'll join. I had some good stuff but then i was sniped. My skype is wolftalon12 and so is my steam.

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