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About Wolftalon12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Wolftalon12

    Anyone wanna group?

    Hey, Ill join up with you, my skype is Wolftalon12, Im a bandit but currently I have only starting gear because I was trying to grab a gun and once again I got sniped by someone i couldnt see
  2. Wolftalon12

    [BFM] Back From Hell Bandit Clan recruiting

    I'll join. I had some good stuff but then i was sniped. My skype is wolftalon12 and so is my steam.
  3. That is the best idea i have ever seen, despite the fact i only picked out certain parts cause man that is a LOT of word there. And also I think this would add a lot of realism to the game, you know? I mean really, if IRL we had a zombie thingy now, in the real world, where death is truly the end, are we going to murder someone who could save our butts later when we need to sleep, when we need a buddy most when we catch a fever, or the flu, or break and arm and a leg, just for an extra can of pasta? And I say realism is what this mod needs. Despite the fact theres zombies.... but thats beside the point. Thats a great and highly detailed point. Basically what I'm saying is that is an awsome idea and i wish Rocket would put that in the mod. Beacause really, in real life your not going to break a leg and shoot the man who could help you get to a hospital or something, your not going to shoot the man who can save your butt later. Good idea.
  4. Wolftalon12

    Was it wrong?

    Wow, I think it was good you gave let them live, seeing as they where probably idiots, who the heck would actually drop the loot!?!
  5. Wolftalon12

    I..I just killed someone.

    Hey, some people have regrets you know. Its not their fault.
  6. Wolftalon12

    Day Z Urban Legends

    its 12:42 AM am Im to scared to even get up and walk one step to get in bed.
  7. I say thats a pretty good idea.
  8. Wolftalon12

    My favourite bandits!

    Now that is what i call a bandit, thats clever, clever clever bandits.
  9. Wolftalon12

    CoastGuards - Currently looking for people!

    Hey, im gonna get this soon, in like a day or 2 and so Id like to join up. Ill probably name myself Wolf or Alpha, or Alpha Wolf, or Wolf Alpha. And Im have skype, Wolftalon12 is my skype thingy and yah, i wouldnt kill my team unless i get super suspisious that they are plotting something against me.