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Custom spawn points in 1.0

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No matter how many changes i make to the cfgplayerspawnpoints.XML file, it still defaults back to the full list of spawn points.  is anyone else experiencing this?  I've tried custom spawn points and just reducing spawn points to 1 to 10 or so and none of it seems to work.  Tried on multiple GSP's with private servers.

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It's working for me -- I think you have to delete (or at least cut and paste it somewhere else as a test) the spawnpoints.bin file in the persistence folder (the storage_1 folder or storage_X if you have multiple folders).  I think with that file present, it defaults to using the spawn points within that file rather than reading what's in the XML file -- I'm not 100% sure about that, but I know if you start with no persistence folder present, it definitely uses the spawn points in cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml.

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