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Sad about releasing DayZ as a V1.0 in this stage

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There is one big question which bothers me the last days:

Why did they descide to release this as a V1.0!? (Except for the "money" fact so they can release it on PS4 (=no EA allowed), and christmas sales.)

The devs told us (see misc last reports) they had to descide between missing content OR lack of stability for the planned "full" release. I was abolutely fine when I read there would be a lot of missing content which they want to put in at a later stage when -on the other hand- stability is working! But this is far away from reality.

This is my personal experience from Bohemians Release on DayZ as a V1.0 during last days playing:

* Messy/Unusable Serverbrowser

* Broken Hit-Detection (Bullet impacts sometimes do no damage)

* Broken Physics (Flying Cars)

* Broken Persistance (Camps can disappear after servercrashes)

* Glitchy AI (Zombies can walk trough walls, teleport around)

* Glitchy PlayerController (sometimes can walk straight through walls)

* Worse FPS performance than in 0.63

* Disapearing/Morphing Player Model

I don’t blame them for all these bugs – its just a normal thing in software development.

I blame them for the communication and releasing this as a V1.0 while knowing these basic core features does not work!

I wouldn’t write this if they just gave us an update to a new V0.6x with the note: „Hey, unfortunately we need some additional time to fix some gamebreaking bugs." I would still play the game and would handle around those bugs like in past game versions.

But what about new players which are playing (and buying!) this game for the first time (for a raised price!)? If this would be my personal first experience on this game as a V1.0 release, I would be totally pissed of (like some of the latest steam reviews are telling).

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t say it is a bad game, or the devs are crap, I still really enjoy many parts of it (personally for me DayZ still has the best survival atmosphere) and like to play it further on - or using the Editing Tools.

But: Raising the price and calling this now a sellable „first working fullrelease V1.0“ where new players can have fun with !working! core features like cars, persistance, zombies,... in this totally buggy state, is just rediculous.

I just don’t get it and makes me sad.

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True, it's true man. It's ridicolous. The reason for you are asking "Why" are, other for sales to PS4, because of the risk that Steam remove the game after 5 years Early Access without final release. Indeed coincidentally the game is released 13th December and 5 years of Early Access ended 16th December 


But 1.0 only a label for this 2 reasons. The game is clearly a pre-alpha because has less content than alpha and is bugged (gamebreaking bugs)

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  On 12/18/2018 at 2:17 PM, grillstern666 said:

Messy/Unusable Serverbrowser

* Broken Hit-Detection (Bullet impacts sometimes do no damage)

* Broken Physics (Flying Cars)

* Broken Persistance (Camps can disappear after servercrashes)

* Glitchy AI (Zombies can walk trough walls, teleport around)

* Glitchy PlayerController (sometimes can walk straight through walls)

* Worse FPS performance than in 0.63

* Disapearing/Morphing Player Model

I don’t blame them for all these bugs – its just a normal thing in software development.

I blame them for the communication and releasing this as a V1.0 while knowing these basic core features does not work!


There is one big question which bothers me the last days:

Why did they descide to release this as a V1.0!? (Except for the "money" fact so they can release it on PS4 (=no EA allowed), and christmas sales.)

Broken Hit-Detection - Ghost bullets, unload your magazine and the bug is fixed.
Broken Physics - Never experienced it, not sure what causes it.
Broken Persistence - Server crashes have always caused issues, in any game, this isn't just a DayZ problem. Server crashes are also caused by stressed servers or just modded all to hell servers. My community hasn't had 1 crash or a persistence issue since release.

Glitchy AI - I still say this is a server issue, not a game issue, because we don't have this problem on Bordertown.
Glitchy PlayerController - Never seen this in all the streams i've watched, videos, etc.
Worse FPS - This is a server issue, or a PC issue, i'm running steady 58-60 FPS on Extreme / High graphics. No problems at all on a 1080.

Disappearing/Morphing player model - Only time i've experienced anything remotely close to this is character not being saved on death, but it's an easy fix.

I'm sure there was already a "Jesus christ 1.0 sucks thread." but thanks for making another one, bud. I'm sure we needed to have it.

-Why did they descide to release this as a V1.0!? (Except for the "money" fact so they can release it on PS4 (=no EA allowed), and christmas sales.)-

This is hearsay, the devs haven't given a reason and this is an opinion. Unless you have basis on why it happened, then share a link. Until that point, you and everyone else have been happily spreading this conspiracy theory because that's what it is, a conspiracy theory.

Edited by tandwan

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