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Basicly no EU- Servers available, after Free Weekend.

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Hello DayZ Dev- Team and fellow Survivors,


recently after the free Weekend Servers are gone now, it is very hard to impossible to find a Offical Server. 

If i setup the Filter to lower then 100 Ping and match my Version (that is the newest 1.0 Version obviously), i cant find any Server. 

There a plenty of Experimental/Unstable Server, now that DayZ reaches 1.0 is it realy needed to have way more Experimental Server, then Stable ones? 

and then i would like to ask if its possible to setup maybe some EU- Official Server with faster Day/Night Cycle? My Friends are mostly capable of playing in the Evening, and that means, they always have to play in the Dark. 

Dont get me wrong, we like the new "darker" Version of the Night, it is immersiv and its fun, no problem with that, but we also would like to have a chance, to play with some Daytime ingame. 


Sure ppl would argue that we should find some Community Server with those Settings, but to be honest, in the past we had some very bad experience with Community Server. So we would like to play it the Original Way. 

I put in a picture with the Server- Browser, to give you an Idea, what i am talking about. 


As i did it allready on Twitter i want to take a chance to Thank the whole DayZ- Team for working hard on 1.0 and getting it out to us. congrats on that Goal, as i follow some you guys, i could see, how hard it was. 


Thanks, all the Best!




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Can we get an official update on this? I have no idea if I should expect at least some servers to go back on or if I should just... well... go play something else. There's hardly any 100% vanilla community servers out there, and even then I don't like the idea of a random admin having control over everything.

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Same here. On Monday, there were 290 available servers - even though a serious proportion of them were Unstable/Experimental (which appear to still be on a different hive). Now there are around 50, and almost all of them are US Unstable servers, with a few German ones (which seem to be on yet another hive, or just unconnected). As a result I, and a lot of other people, are playing on the Unstable hive. Or I assume it's the unstable hive, because I can't find a stable server to check.

It doesn't matter how bad the server browser is (and it's just...terrible), or how many other bugs there are (and there are legions of them); the game is unplayable if there are no servers. 

Oh, and yes, let's just rename the game 'NightZ' and be done with it.


Edited by Mookie (original)

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