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anyone know how to shut up the rooster

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I would like to know as well.  I've searched the server files looking to disable it somehow...to no avail so far.

The rooster, the coughing/sneezing and that ridiculous water runoff noise from buildings all need tweaking, please!  Let the rooster do his cock-a-doodle-do, but how about once every 5 minutes, not seemingly every 5 friggin' seconds!  As Sy said, it's doing my head in too.

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I figured it out -- in the events.xml file in the Server files, right near the top, look for an event called "AmbientHen" and in that section, change the active value from 1 to 0.

This also gets rid of the chicken I believe, but poof, no more fucking cockly-doodly-fuck-you!!!  :)

I don't know if you need to do a persistence wipe or not -- I am just testing a server setup on mine, so in my case, I did wipe.  If chickens/roosters are stored in the persistence files, then you'd have to endure the rooster sounds until they despawn, but no new ones will spawn after you change this.

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I saw that way of doing it but dont really want to lose all chickens should need to wipe as they are dynamic spawns so a restart would kill them all I was hoping for a mute button or at the leat limit it to early morning 

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  On 12/15/2018 at 8:36 PM, drgullen said:

I figured it out -- in the events.xml file in the Server files, right near the top, look for an event called "AmbientHen" and in that section, change the active value from 1 to 0.

This also gets rid of the chicken I believe, but poof, no more fucking cockly-doodly-fuck-you!!!  :)

I don't know if you need to do a persistence wipe or not -- I am just testing a server setup on mine, so in my case, I did wipe.  If chickens/roosters are stored in the persistence files, then you'd have to endure the rooster sounds until they despawn, but no new ones will spawn after you change this.

found it comment out line 18 of the events.xml that removes the rooster but leaves in the hens

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If you here the rooster there is one nearby if you go towards the sound of the crowing you will find the thing and kill it then no more crowing I've done this many times and has worked


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