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I'm not sure if anyone has the same problem but the way I tend to die most, other than falling foul of someone that would rather shoot first and eat beans later is me not paying attention to what I have equipped.

So many times, I've had a small group of Zs closing in and I need to open fire only to realise that I had throwing equipped and am now stuck in the throwing animation while Zs pound the crap out of me before I can switch back to my primary or secondary weapon. Does anyone else have this problem? I've got to admit that it's caught me out once or twice. I actually lost an L85A2 AWS on this stupid mistake.

I see a few solutions:

Simple: make the throw animation interruptable with the weapon select button. No can, bottle or grenade is thrown and your weapon gets selected. Easy peazy.

Intermediate: The throw mechanic needs to be selected each time, reverting to the previous weapon when the animation is finished. Who needs to throw two of anything anyway?

Hard: Make the throw button a separate button, away from the trigger of your weapon. Making everything throwable could make for an interesting new mechanic; people can force you to drop your weapon if you are outnumbered or you want you to show that you are passive without going through the inventory. Maybe fresh mags or a loaded weapon can be thrown to a player in the midst of a firefight? Provisions can be exchanged between hostile groups without getting too personal with each other's backpacks and muzzles.

What do you think?

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I think the simple solution is to check what you have equipped, personally. I've never had an issue with this.

I might be wrong, but I think the clunky throw animation and the frustration of it's uninterruptability has been brought up in a few other threads, and addressed by rocket.

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Nature didnt prepare me to check what I have selected.

The clunkyness of the throwmechanic is in no relation to how awesome and easy throwing is in real life.

OPs suggestions are all good.

Man I love throwing...

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I think you should have two different modes, or a sliding scale. If you are standing still you throw pretty much as it is now.

If you are running you throw without slowing but its wildly inaccurate.

If you are walking its somewhere in between.

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