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S D SC: Server Message

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Is there a way to turn off the small capital "S" and "D" that show up on start of EVERY line for server messages?  I don't know of a single player that has a need to see debug letters in front of every server message. Now that I've installed DaOne, now a "D" shows up after the "S". Debug messages should be in reports and logs. Unless its because this is the latest experimental build? Still, showing up for every server message line is a bit absurd. Is there a way to turn this off? Or do I have to remove all Server Message options?


Edited by C4-timah

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dont believe so, its not the script itself, just the way the message is outputted by the server

the code for the player counter for example is this

void PlayerCounter()
		array<Man> players = new array<Man>;
	    GetGame().GetPlayers( players );
	    int numbOfplayers = players.Count();
	    GlobalMessage(1,"Players: "+ numbOfplayers.ToString());

only message being passed is "Players: "+ numbOfplayers.ToString()

however you can disable the messages completely, believe in the config, or just manually commenting out the code

Edited by Zze

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