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New medical items & there purpose?

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Hey survivors,

so does anybody know what the purpose of codeine tablets , anti viral tablets & morphine auto injectors are for? I've successfully crafted a blood bag IV Incase I get shot to bring health rapidly back, charcoal tablets and antibiotics are to treat food poisoning which ATM doesnt actually pose much of a threat other than throwing up randomly and slightly increased water consumption.

my only assumption is that maybe codeine pills would remove limping if injured but unable to blood bag, and that the morphine auto injector might be for the future when the implement leg breaks again like the original mod. Also a complete guess that the tetra anti viral tablets are maybe for a future implementation of colds gained through prolonged exposure to cold weather (and yes I know cold weather doesn't actually give you a cold in real life) or maybe it's for treating the brain prion gained through excessive human meat consumption when that's implemented? Any insight and opinions would be greatly appreciated. I'm just confused as to why they've been added back in without the ailments being added that require there use.

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29 minutes ago, TheYetiBum said:

Also a complete guess that the tetra anti viral tablets are maybe for a future implementation of colds

I believe the different illnesses you can get in pc vary quite a bit. I remember reading something about people getting sick from different viruses but also spreading those germs just by interacting with another player in game and boom the other people are sick with it too. Maybe the tetras are for other types of illnesses that haven't been implemented yet? I noticed the Alcoholic Tincture gave me the promp to disinfect my axe so that got me thinking similar to bloody hands getting you sick if they stay bloody too long, I wonder if you dont disinfect sharp objects before opening food maybe that can get you sick too? The new loot definitely brings alot more depth to the game which I'm loving.

Edited by xzDIABLOzx
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