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Will we see the return of guns from previous updates like the winchester, blaze, carbine, fal, double barrel, ect.

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hi, I'm wondering if we will be seeing the return of some of the guns from previous versions of DayZ SA. like the Winchester, Blaze, Carbine, Fal, Double barrel and some of the pistols and other guns. its a bit grim that there are only a handful of guns to find.

  • Beans 1

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As soon as the core game runs SMOOTH on Xbox (which comes straight out from PC, that's why PC has taken a step back, to clean it for 100% parallel compatibility with Xbox) soon as it runs SMOOOOOOTH, then they will stick back all the bells and whistles and christmas decorations and juicy things.. definitely that will include everything (every object and crafting combo) that has been in the game up to .63, no doubt about it.
They will probably add tasters and various guns etc to keep us interested until the Big SMOOOOTH gets here. 
So maybe its a good idea to keep an eye on what's happening to Xbox.. because that's where the heavy devs are zeroing in. IMO (- make it simple) they want the PC game to run on Xbox. PC players get to test the key updates & revisions (of the existing core game) to filter bugs before they go to Xbox, and without clutter (eg, without multi-varieties of objects) -  When that works, we both get ALL of it.



  • Beans 1

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ok, I get you... well they are taking the right steps in the right directions because I was expecting the xbox version to run a lot worse than it does. it actually runs better than some games on xbox.


  • Beans 1

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