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I do not understand why all my content was deleted? Even hromakey, does it break any rules? Even the usual wolf recolor!

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because you used original car parts  and modified them after  unbinarised them seen as the wheels fit well and the Hood ? 

because you used other peoples models and didn`t credit them ?  even tho some where share alike like the pipe axe its bad practices ?

shame you had good addons but i think maybe to get  "I am First"  maybe you forgot some rules and manners ?   

  What next when people release Horse and Guns etc  , you just take and  rename as  "FV_Mine  ?? 



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FIDOv, show us some of your work here and explain what u did... i didnt get it

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What did I steal such? Did the original textures of the wolves redraw black? or a big red and green square?

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Yeah its all legit ,  i don`t understand how it can happen ? 

you think they made mistake maybe and didn`t recognise  all your work ? 

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7 minutes ago, FIDOv said:

What did I steal such? Did the original textures of the wolves redraw black? or a big red and green square?

what? show us your work pls, no plan what u are talking about,...

what does the last sentence mean? u created wolf textures with green and red squares?

Edited by Funkdoc

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10 минут назад, Funkdoc сказал

что?покажите нам ваши pls работы, никакой план что u говорит около.

что значит последнее предложение?вы создали текстуры волка с зелеными и красными квадратами?


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so from all the addons you uploaded ,  this  two is your work ?  

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22 minutes ago, ofp2 said:

so from all the addons you uploaded ,  this  two is your work ?  

very well fool around under fool. You can not write here.

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3 minutes ago, FIDOv said:

very well fool around under fool. You can not write here.

yeah , you represent the great and the good . 

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