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Scripts dont Work After Last Update

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Hello, I noticed that after the last update that the airdrope scipt no longer works? someone can help me with that.
Another procupation is that messages on the server start with an S is normal?
Thank you for answering me.

The Message : 

motd[] = {" Join As In Our Team Speack: civilisation3.fr:9988 "," La Marianne Restart Every 03H ","FACEBOOK : Dayz-standalone-la-marianne "," YOUTUBE : Tv LA MARIANNE ! dayz! Le Clan [REVO] "," La Marianne [DM-PVP] Server : "}; // Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat.

and how i can make it with color thx.

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12 hours ago, philippj said:

Coloring the motd is not possible with the base version you would need to create your own motd implementation to have it coloured.

The "s " infront of every message is a bug.

I dont know which airdrop plugin you are using but mine is working:



Hello, sorry for revive this topic. But there is any tutorial to install this airdrop plugin?

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8 minutes ago, Fun Automat said:

read the first lines...


I read, I just don't know what to do with "Add following at the top of class CustomMission: MissionServer". Don't know where to find it

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mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus  ->>> init.c

#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c"





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