Mostabdel 1 Posted November 1, 2018 i make this in init.c //keep the goddamn init clean you FUCKS! #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\DayZSurvival.c" Mission CreateCustomMission(string path) { return new DayZSurvival(); } void main() { Weather weather = g_Game.GetWeather(); weather.GetOvercast().SetLimits( 0.0 , 1.0 ); weather.GetRain().SetLimits( 0.0 , 1.0 ); weather.GetFog().SetLimits( 0.0 , 0.25 ); weather.GetOvercast().SetForecastChangeLimits( 0.0, 0.2 ); weather.GetRain().SetForecastChangeLimits( 0.0, 0.1 ); weather.GetFog().SetForecastChangeLimits( 0.15, 0.45 ); weather.GetOvercast().SetForecastTimeLimits( 1800 , 1800 ); weather.GetRain().SetForecastTimeLimits( 600 , 600 ); weather.GetFog().SetForecastTimeLimits( 1800 , 1800 ); weather.GetOvercast().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 0.3), 0, 0); weather.GetRain().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 0.2), 0, 0); weather.GetFog().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 0.1), 0, 0); weather.SetWindMaximumSpeed(15); weather.SetWindFunctionParams(0.1, 0.3, 50); } and this in DayZSurvival.c class DayZSurvival : MissionServer { // Called within class as extentions NOT class mainscope DO NOT DEFINE CLASS IN FILE! #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\BuildingSpawner.c" #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\MOTDMessages.c" //Custom MOTD fucns #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\SafeZoneFunctions.c" //Safe zone script #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\AdminTool\\AdminTool.c" //Adds other voids to class (so this .c file stays a little more clean) #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.ChernarusPlus\\plugins\\AirDrop.c" string SelectedPos; string m_LoadoutsPath = "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\LoadOuts\\"; string m_AdminListPath = "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ScriptedMods\\"; ref TStringArray LoadoutCatagories = {"Bags","Gloves","Vests","Tops","Pants","Boots","HeadGear"}; //Add any new catagories here, make sure the name matches everywhere used including file ref TStringArray Bags = {}; ref TStringArray Gloves = {}; ref TStringArray Vests = {}; ref TStringArray Tops = {}; ref TStringArray Pants = {}; ref TStringArray Boots = {}; ref TStringArray HeadGear = {}; ref map<string,string> PoweredOptics = new map<string,string>; //Type of optics, type of battery bool m_VanillaLoadouts; bool m_SpawnArmed; bool m_StaminaStatus; bool m_SafeZone; bool m_CustomBuildings; float m_LogInTimerLength; override void OnPreloadEvent(PlayerIdentity identity, out bool useDB, out vector pos, out float yaw, out int queueTime) { if (GetHive()) { // Preload data on client by character from database useDB = true; queueTime = m_LogInTimerLength; } else { // Preload data on client without database useDB = false; pos = "1189.3 0.0 5392.48"; yaw = 0; queueTime = 5; } } override void TickScheduler(float timeslice) { GetGame().GetWorld().GetPlayerList(m_Players); if( m_Players.Count() == 0 ) return; for(int i = 0; i < SCHEDULER_PLAYERS_PER_TICK; i++) { if(m_currentPlayer >= m_Players.Count() ) { m_currentPlayer = 0; } PlayerBase currentPlayer = PlayerBase.Cast(m_Players.Get(m_currentPlayer)); if (m_StaminaStatus) { currentPlayer.GetStatStamina().Set(1000); } if (m_SafeZone) { SafeZoneHandle(currentPlayer); } //Check if player is near safezone currentPlayer.OnTick(); m_currentPlayer++; } } override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) { Entity playerEnt; playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer(identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE"); Class.CastTo(m_player, playerEnt); GetGame().SelectPlayer(identity, m_player); return m_player; } void ConstructLoadouts(bool update) { if (update) { Bags.Clear(); Gloves.Clear(); Vests.Clear(); Tops.Clear(); Pants.Clear(); Boots.Clear(); HeadGear.Clear(); } for ( int i = 0; i < LoadoutCatagories.Count(); ++i ) { string currentCatagory = LoadoutCatagories.Get(i); string checkEmpty; FileHandle currentFile = OpenFile(m_LoadoutsPath + currentCatagory + ".txt", FileMode.READ); if (currentFile != 0) { FGets(currentFile,checkEmpty); if (checkEmpty != "") { string line_content = ""; while ( FGets(currentFile,line_content) > 0 ) { switch(currentCatagory) { case "Bags": Bags.Insert(line_content); break; case "Gloves": Gloves.Insert(line_content); break; case "Vests": Vests.Insert(line_content); break; case "Tops": Tops.Insert(line_content); break; case "Pants": Pants.Insert(line_content); break; case "Boots": Boots.Insert(line_content); break; case "HeadGear": HeadGear.Insert(line_content); break; } } } CloseFile(currentFile); } } } override void OnInit() { Hive ce = CreateHive(); if (ce) ce.InitOffline(); //--------------- #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ModSettings.c" //Read mod settings //-----Add Admins from txt----- FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt", FileMode.READ); if (AdminUIDSFile != 0) { string line_content = ""; while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 ) { m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!"); } CloseFile(AdminUIDSFile); } //----------- GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(this.PlayerCounter, 110000, true); //Default 120000 2 mins Looped GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(this.CustomMOTD, TIME_INTERVAL, true); //Default 120000 2 mins Looped //---------------------------------- AdminTool(); //Call for admin tool scripts if (m_CustomBuildings) { BuildingSpawner(); } //Spawn for custom buildings ConstructLoadouts(false); //Read and construct loadouts Array from files. //---------------------------------- //----------------------------- PoweredOptics.Insert("m4_carryhandleoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("buisoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("M68Optic","Battery9V"); PoweredOptics.Insert("m4_t3nrdsoptic","Battery9V"); PoweredOptics.Insert("fnp45_mrdsoptic","Battery9V"); PoweredOptics.Insert("crossbow_redpointoptic","Battery9V"); PoweredOptics.Insert("reflexoptic","Battery9V"); PoweredOptics.Insert("acogoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("puscopeoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("kashtanoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("huntingoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("pistoloptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("pso1optic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("pso11optic","Battery9V"); PoweredOptics.Insert("grozaoptic",""); PoweredOptics.Insert("kobraoptic","Battery9V"); //----------------------------- } void GlobalMessage(int Channel, string Message) { if (Message != "") { GetGame().ChatPlayer(Channel,Message); } } void PlayerCounter() { array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers( players ); int numbOfplayers = players.Count(); GlobalMessage(3,"Online Players: "+ numbOfplayers.ToString()); } void SpawnGunIn(PlayerBase player, string item = "", bool isMainGun = true, TStringArray attachments = NULL, TStringArray Extras = NULL) { ItemBase itemAI; EntityAI myAttachmentAI; ItemBase myAttachmentIB; EntityAI ExtraEntity; ItemBase magEntity; if (isMainGun) { if ( item != "" ) { itemAI = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInHands( item ); Weapon_Base wpn = Weapon_Base.Cast(itemAI); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut(itemAI, 2, true); //Puts gun on hotkey 3 if ( attachments != NULL && attachments.Count() > 0 ) { for (int i = 0; i < attachments.Count(); ++i) { myAttachmentAI = itemAI.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( attachments.Get(i) ); if (PoweredOptics.Contains(attachments.Get(i))) { myAttachmentAI.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } } } if ( Extras != NULL && Extras.Count() > 0 ) { for (int ii = 0; ii < Extras.Count(); ++ii) { if (GetGame().IsKindOf( Extras.Get(ii), "Magazine_Base") && ! (GetGame().IsKindOf( Extras.Get(ii), "Ammunition_Base")) ) { magEntity = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInInventory(Extras.Get(ii)); Magazine mag = Magazine.Cast(magEntity); player.GetWeaponManager().AttachMagazine(mag); ExtraEntity = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Extras.Get(ii) ); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut(ExtraEntity, 0, true); //Puts main weapons mag on hotkey 1 } else { ExtraEntity = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Extras.Get(ii) ); } } } } } else { //For Pistols/Secondary that spawn in inevntory if ( item != "" ) { itemAI = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInInventory( item ); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut(itemAI, 3, true); //Puts the Secondary weapon on hotkey 4 if ( attachments != NULL && attachments.Count() > 0 ) { myAttachmentAI; myAttachmentIB; for (int iz = 0; iz < attachments.Count(); ++iz) { myAttachmentIB = itemAI.GetInventory().CreateAttachment( attachments.Get(iz) ); if (PoweredOptics.Contains(attachments.Get(iz))) { myAttachmentIB.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } } } if ( Extras != NULL && Extras.Count() > 0 ) { for (int ip = 0; ip < Extras.Count(); ++ip) { if (GetGame().IsKindOf( Extras.Get(ip), "Magazine_Base") && ! (GetGame().IsKindOf( Extras.Get(ip), "Ammunition_Base")) ) { ExtraEntity = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Extras.Get(ip) ); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut(ExtraEntity, 1, true); //Puts the mag for the secondary on hotkey 2 } else { ExtraEntity = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Extras.Get(ip) ); } } } } } } override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { EntityAI EntityRifle; ItemBase itemRifle; EntityAI EntityPistol; ItemBase itemPistol; ItemBase itemBs; EntityAI itemEnt; if (m_VanillaLoadouts) { itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); } else { player.RemoveAllItems(); //Edit loadouts Via the LOADOUTS folder in ScriptedMods folder! //If you wish for an item from a specific catagory to not be spawned just hash out this part:: player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Bags.GetRandomElement() ); if (Bags.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Bags.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Gloves.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Gloves.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Vests.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Vests.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Tops.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Tops.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Pants.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Pants.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Boots.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Boots.GetRandomElement() ); } if (HeadGear.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( HeadGear.GetRandomElement() ); } player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut(itemBs, 0, true); } if (m_SpawnArmed) { //Gun spawner Handle //SpawnGunIn( PlayerBase player, string ClassName, bool isPrimary, TstringArray Attachments, TstringArray Extras) NOTE: Set bool to 'true' IF weapon was primary int oRandValue = Math.RandomIntInclusive(0,2); switch(oRandValue.ToString()) { case "0": SpawnGunIn( player , "fnx45", true, {"fnp45_mrdsoptic","PistolSuppressor"},{"mag_fnx45_15rnd","mag_fnx45_15rnd","ammo_45acp","ammo_45acp"} ); break; case "1": SpawnGunIn( player , "CZ75", true, {"PistolSuppressor"} , {"Mag_CZ75_15Rnd","Mag_CZ75_15Rnd","ammo_9x19","ammo_9x19"} ); break; case "2": SpawnGunIn( player , "makarovij70", true, {"PistolSuppressor"} , {"mag_ij70_8rnd","mag_ij70_8rnd","ammo_380","ammo_380"} ); break; } } } }; ref AirDrop AirDropClass; // Class definition void CustomMission() { AirDropClass = new AirDrop; } float TimerSlice; // Timeslice override void OnUpdate( float timeslice ) { super.OnUpdate( timeslice ); // FPS Fix TimerSlice += timeslice; if (TimerSlice >= AirDropClass.TimesliceMultiplyier) { AirDropClass.CreateAirDrop(); TimerSlice = 0; } } }; Mission CreateCustomMission(string path) { return new CustomMission(); } void OnClientRespawnEvent(PlayerIdentity identity, PlayerBase player) { // note: player is now killed in db right after the actual kill happens /*if (GetHive() && player) { GetHive().CharacterKill(player); }*/ if(player) { if (player.IsUnconscious() || player.IsRestrained()) { // kill character player.SetHealth("", "", 0.0); } GetGame().ObjectDelete( player ); } } and i like to add this. where i can make it ? } override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { /* player.RemoveAllItems(); EntityAI item = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(topsArray.GetRandomElement()); EntityAI item2 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(pantsArray.GetRandomElement()); EntityAI item3 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(shoesArray.GetRandomElement()); */ EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingKnife"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("SodaCan_Cola"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PeachesCan"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); } help me pls. thx !!! 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IMT 3190 Posted November 1, 2018 For in the future, wrap the code parts with the [ code ] [ /code ] tags or click on the <> icon in the editor. Makes it easier to understand and read. What you need to do is the following, remove: override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { EntityAI EntityRifle; ItemBase itemRifle; EntityAI EntityPistol; ItemBase itemPistol; ItemBase itemBs; EntityAI itemEnt; if (m_VanillaLoadouts) { itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); } else { player.RemoveAllItems(); //Edit loadouts Via the LOADOUTS folder in ScriptedMods folder! //If you wish for an item from a specific catagory to not be spawned just hash out this part:: player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Bags.GetRandomElement() ); if (Bags.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Bags.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Gloves.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Gloves.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Vests.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Vests.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Tops.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Tops.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Pants.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Pants.GetRandomElement() ); } if (Boots.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( Boots.GetRandomElement() ); } if (HeadGear.Count() > 0) { player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( HeadGear.GetRandomElement() ); } player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut(itemBs, 0, true); } if (m_SpawnArmed) { //Gun spawner Handle //SpawnGunIn( PlayerBase player, string ClassName, bool isPrimary, TstringArray Attachments, TstringArray Extras) NOTE: Set bool to 'true' IF weapon was primary int oRandValue = Math.RandomIntInclusive(0,2); switch(oRandValue.ToString()) { case "0": SpawnGunIn( player , "fnx45", true, {"fnp45_mrdsoptic","PistolSuppressor"},{"mag_fnx45_15rnd","mag_fnx45_15rnd","ammo_45acp","ammo_45acp"} ); break; case "1": SpawnGunIn( player , "CZ75", true, {"PistolSuppressor"} , {"Mag_CZ75_15Rnd","Mag_CZ75_15Rnd","ammo_9x19","ammo_9x19"} ); break; case "2": SpawnGunIn( player , "makarovij70", true, {"PistolSuppressor"} , {"mag_ij70_8rnd","mag_ij70_8rnd","ammo_380","ammo_380"} ); break; } } } And replace it with: override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { /* player.RemoveAllItems(); EntityAI item = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(topsArray.GetRandomElement()); EntityAI item2 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(pantsArray.GetRandomElement()); EntityAI item3 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(shoesArray.GetRandomElement()); */ EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingKnife"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("SodaCan_Cola"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PeachesCan"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); } By the way, if you're going to keep those lines commented out, I would just remove them. Same goes for the unused boolean clothesChosen. In fact, the whole script gives me the itches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mostabdel 1 Posted November 1, 2018 and for the all script its ok or there are problemes ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IMT 3190 Posted November 1, 2018 I'm not sure, haven't checked everything to be honest. Only the parts which you had trouble with. Did you try to run them? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mostabdel 1 Posted November 1, 2018 (edited) oui je bac mais erreur avec airdrop ligne this is the script of aidrop class AirDrop { /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* DayZ 0.63 AirDrop plugin by mov3ax / */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ void AirDrop() { } void ~AirDrop() { } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Configuration of plugin */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ bool EnableAirdrops = true; // Main switch float TimesliceMultiplyier = 0.01; // Timeslice multiplyier, default value is 0.01 (60 FPS) float AirPlaneSpeed = 0.25; // Airplane fly speed float AirPlaneHeight = 300; // Airplane fly height float AirDropFallSpeed = 0.2; // Airdrop fall speed // 600 Seconds = 10 Minutes float TicksTimerFromStart = 1800 / TimesliceMultiplyier; // How much time will pass from the server start to first airdrop bool PrintInformationMessages = true; // Show in chat when airplane flew out and when airdrop is landed bool PrintInformationCoordinates = true; // Show in chat coordinates where airdrop is landed // 36000 Seconds = 1 Hour float RemoveTime = 1800 / TimesliceMultiplyier; // After how much time airplane and loot will be removed and new airplane will be spawned bool SpawnZombie = true; // Spawn zombie near airdrop when landed bool ShowSignal = true; // Show smoke signal when airdrop landed float RandomBoundsMin = 5; // Airdrop drop bounds min float RandomBoundsMax = 10; // Airdrop drop bounds max bool PrintDebugMessages = false; // Show debug messages (Debug) bool DropOnStart = false; // Drop airdrop instantly after airplane (Debug) bool TeleportDebug = false; // Teleport to airplane and airdrop during flight (Debug) /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Local variables */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ vector m_AirPlaneFixedPosition; // Local variable vector m_DropPos; // Local variable Object m_AirPlane; // Global airplane object Object m_AirDrop; // Glbal airdrop container object Object m_Platform; // Glbal airdrop container object EntityAI m_AirDropLoot; // Airdrop container body ItemBase m_AirDropBase; // Airdrop container base Particle DropEffect; // Airdrop land particle effect Particle SignalEffect; // Airdrop land particle effect vector RandomRotOrientation; // Local variable EntityAI PhysicsBody; // Local variable float RandomRot = 0; // Default random rotation variable float RandomTime = 100; // Default random drop variable float Delay = 0; // Local variable for security float Ground; // Local variable for security int AirDropTime = 0; // Local variable int AirTimer = 0; // Local variable int RemoveTimer = 0; // Local variable bool RayReady = true; // Local variable bool TimerPassed = false; // Local variable bool AirPassed = false; // Local variable bool RemovePased = false; // Local variable bool DropTime = false; // Local variable bool PassTime = false; // Local variable /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Global functions */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ // Send message in global chat void SendMessage(string message) { ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers( players ); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++ ) { PlayerBase player1; Class.CastTo(player1, players.Get(i)); Param1<string> m_AirTimer = new Param1<string>(message); GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player1, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, m_AirTimer, true, player1.GetIdentity()); } } // Teleport all players to position, debug void SendPos(vector pos) { ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers( players ); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++ ) { PlayerBase player1; Class.CastTo(player1, players.Get(i)); player1.SetPosition(pos); } } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Configuration of loot and spawn points */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ // Random Loot Presets string GetRandomLoot() { TStringArray loot = { "LandMineTrap", "Marmalade", "GhillieSuit_Tan", "M4A1", "PlateCarrierComplete", "BalaclavaMask_Blackskull", "GorkaHelmetComplete", "BallisticHelmet_Green", "Suppressor_East", "GhillieBushrag_Tan", "M4_Suppressor", "AK_Suppressor", "AK_Bayonet", "M9A1_Bayonet", "RDG2SmokeGrenade_Black", "RDG2SmokeGrenade_White", "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd", "Mag_STANAGCoupled_30Rnd", }; return loot.GetRandomElement(); } // Generating random airdrop position from list // You can get coordinates using debug monitor or this map vector GetAirPlanePos() { TVectorArray positions = { "3559 0 7238", "5088 0 2379", "7971 0 9030", "4716 0 9974", "11990 0 12498", }; vector what = positions.GetRandomElement(); what[1] = AirPlaneHeight; return what; } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Zombie spawn list */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ TStringArray WorkingZombieClasses() { return { "ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Base","ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Beige","ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Black","ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Green", "ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Red","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Base","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Beige","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Blue","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Brown", "ZmbM_FarmerFat_Green","ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Base","ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Beige","ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Brown", "ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Blue","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Base","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Blue","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Brown", "ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Grey","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Red","ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Base","ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Blue","ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Red", "ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Green","ZmbF_CitizenBSkinny_Base","ZmbF_CitizenBSkinny","ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny_Base","ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny", "ZmbM_FirefighterNormal_Base","ZmbM_FirefighterNormal","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Base","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Blue","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Green", "ZmbM_FishermanOld_Grey","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Red","ZmbM_JournalistSkinny_Base","ZmbM_JournalistSkinny","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Base", "ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Blue","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Green","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Red","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_White", "ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Base","ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Blue","ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Green","ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Red", "ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Black","ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Base","ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Blue","ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Green", "ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Red","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Base","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Blue","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Green","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Yellow", "ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Base","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Blue","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Grey","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Green","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Red", "ZmbM_HunterOld_Base","ZmbM_HunterOld_Autumn","ZmbM_HunterOld_Spring","ZmbM_HunterOld_Summer","ZmbM_HunterOld_Winter", "ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Base","ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Blue","ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Orange","ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Red", "ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_White","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Base","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Black","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Blue","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Grey", "ZmbM_PolicemanFat_Base","ZmbM_PolicemanFat","ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal_Base","ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal","ZmbM_PolicemanSpecForce_Base", "ZmbM_PolicemanSpecForce","ZmbM_SoldierNormal_Base","ZmbM_SoldierNormal","ZmbM_usSoldier_normal_Base", "ZmbM_usSoldier_normal_Woodland","ZmbM_usSoldier_normal_Desert","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Base","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Blue", "ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Olive","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Brown","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Grey","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Base", "ZmbM_PatrolNormal_PautRev","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Autumn","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Flat","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Summer","ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Base", "ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Blue","ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Green","ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Red","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Base","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Blue", "ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Brown","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Green","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Red","ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Base","ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Beige", "ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Black","ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Blue","ZmbM_VillagerOld_Base","ZmbM_VillagerOld_Blue","ZmbM_VillagerOld_Green", "ZmbM_VillagerOld_White","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Base","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Blue","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Brown","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Green", "ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Grey","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Base","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Brown","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Striped","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Violet", "ZmbF_DoctorSkinny_Base","ZmbF_DoctorSkinny","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Base","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Blue","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Green", "ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Red","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_White","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Base","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Beige","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Green", "ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Grey","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Orange","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Base","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Blue","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Grey", "ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Green","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Red","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Base","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Beige", "ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Black","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Green","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Grey","ZmbM_HeavyIndustryWorker_Base", "ZmbM_HeavyIndustryWorker","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Base","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Green","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Orange","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Red", "ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Yellow","ZmbF_NurseFat_Base","ZmbF_NurseFat","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Base","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Beige", "ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Blue","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Green","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Grey","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_White","ZmbM_DoctorFat_Base", "ZmbM_DoctorFat","ZmbM_Jacket_Base","ZmbM_Jacket_beige","ZmbM_Jacket_black","ZmbM_Jacket_blue","ZmbM_Jacket_bluechecks", "ZmbM_Jacket_brown","ZmbM_Jacket_greenchecks","ZmbM_Jacket_grey","ZmbM_Jacket_khaki","ZmbM_Jacket_magenta","ZmbM_Jacket_stripes", "ZmbF_PatientOld_Base","ZmbF_PatientOld","ZmbM_PatientSkinny_Base","ZmbM_PatientSkinny","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_Base","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_beige", "ZmbF_ShortSkirt_black","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_brown","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_green","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_grey","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_checks", "ZmbF_ShortSkirt_red","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_stripes","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_white","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_yellow","ZmbF_VillagerOld_Base", "ZmbF_VillagerOld_Blue","ZmbF_VillagerOld_Green","ZmbF_VillagerOld_Red","ZmbF_VillagerOld_White","ZmbM_Soldier","ZmbM_SoldierAlice", "ZmbM_SoldierHelmet","ZmbM_SoldierVest","ZmbM_SoldierAliceHelmet","ZmbM_SoldierVestHelmet","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Base", "ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Beige","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Black","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Green","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Grey","ZmbM_priestPopSkinny_Base", "ZmbM_priestPopSkinny","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Base","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Brown","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Grey","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Khaki","ZmbM_ClerkFat_White", "ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Base","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Blue","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_White","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Green","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Red", }; } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Airplane and airdrop setup */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ void GetAirPlaneInfo() { // Seconds devide on value of TimesliceMultiplyier (By default it is 0.01) RandomTime = Math.RandomFloat(RandomBoundsMin / TimesliceMultiplyier, RandomBoundsMax / TimesliceMultiplyier); // Random drop bounds RandomRot = Math.RandomFloat(130, 190); // Random rot bounds if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Random rotation of airplane is " + RandomRot); // Dynamic movement forward float Forward = RandomRot * 0.017453292; // 7.5 is airdrop container motion speed float MotionX = (double)(Math.Sin(Forward) * 7.5); float MotionZ = (double)(Math.Cos(Forward) * 7.5); // Fixed position, if we dont multiply value to -1 it will move backwards m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[0] = MotionX * -1; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[1] = 10; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[2] = MotionZ * -1; RandomRotOrientation[0] = RandomRot; m_AirPlane = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Wreck_C130J", GetAirPlanePos(), false, true ); // Create airplane model m_AirPlane.SetOrientation(RandomRotOrientation); // Rotate it to random angles in yaw m_AirPlane.PlaySoundLoop("powerGeneratorLoop", 10000, true); // Attach airplane sound to itself, need to be fixed if (PrintInformationMessages) if (m_AirPlane != NULL) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airplane was spotted on map!"); m_AirPlane.SetPosition( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() ); m_DropPos = ( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() ) - m_AirPlaneFixedPosition; protected vector pos; pos[0] = 0; pos[1] = AirPlaneHeight; pos[2] = 0; m_Platform = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", pos, false, true ); PhysicsBody = EntityAI.Cast( GetGame().CreateObject( "CivilianSedan", m_Platform.GetPosition(), false, true ) ); PhysicsBody.SetAllowDamage( false ); if (DropOnStart) // For debug puproses only { RayReady = false; if (PrintInformationMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop was dropped from the plane!"); m_AirDrop = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", m_DropPos, false, true ); // Create airdrop model, in this case it is red container SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); GetGame().ObjectDelete(m_Platform); SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); // Reset it to default values RemoveTimer = 0; RemovePased = false; } if (TeleportDebug) // For debug puproses only { if (m_AirPlane != NULL) { SendPos(m_AirPlane.GetPosition()); } } } void MoveAirPlane() { // Dynamic movement forward float Forward = RandomRot * 0.017453292; // 7.5 is airdrop container motion speed float MotionX = (double)(Math.Sin(Forward) * AirPlaneSpeed); float MotionZ = (double)(Math.Cos(Forward) * AirPlaneSpeed); // Fixed position, if we dont multiply value to -1 it will move backwards m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[0] = MotionX * -1; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[1] = 0; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[2] = MotionZ * -1; m_AirPlane.SetPosition( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() + m_AirPlaneFixedPosition ); m_DropPos = ( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() ) - m_AirPlaneFixedPosition; if (!RayReady) { Ground = GetGame().SurfaceY(m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[0], m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[2]); if (PhysicsBody.GetPosition()[1] <= Ground) PhysicsBody.SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "0 0 0"); if (GetVelocity(PhysicsBody)[0] < 0.0001 && GetVelocity(PhysicsBody)[1] < 0.0001 && GetVelocity(PhysicsBody)[2] < 0.0001) { m_AirDrop.PlaceOnSurface(); // Create airdrop lootable container, in this case it is sea chest m_AirDropLoot = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject( "SeaChest", m_AirDrop.GetPosition(), false, true )); // We can't add barrel because it have to be opened // You can extend items count inside airdrop container or make it random m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropBase = ItemBase.Cast(m_AirDropLoot); // Cast items to airdrop container // Play particle when airdrop container, in this case it is red container DropEffect = Particle.Play( ParticleList.EXPLOSION_LANDMINE, m_AirDrop.GetPosition() ); if (PrintInformationMessages && !PrintInformationCoordinates) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop landed!"); else if (PrintInformationMessages && PrintInformationCoordinates) { array<string> arrCoords = new array<string>; string strAirdropPos = m_AirDrop.GetPosition().ToString(); strAirdropPos = strAirdropPos.Substring(1, strAirdropPos.Length() - 2); strAirdropPos.Split( ", ", arrCoords ); SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop landed on coordinates " + Math.Round( arrCoords.Get(0).ToInt() ) + " " + Math.Round( arrCoords.Get(2).ToInt() ) + "!"); } if (SpawnZombie) { GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "10 0 0", false, true ); GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "0 0 10", false, true ); GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "10 0 -10", false, true ); GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "-10 0 10", false, true ); } if (ShowSignal) { vector signal = "0 1.5 0"; SignalEffect = Particle.Play( ParticleList.RDG2, m_AirDrop.GetPosition() + signal ); } // Removing physics body PhysicsBody.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( PhysicsBody ); PhysicsBody = NULL; // Reset it to default values RayReady = true; } else { if (m_AirDrop != NULL) { vector phys; phys[0] = m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[0]; phys[1] = PhysicsBody.GetPosition()[1]; phys[2] = m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[2]; m_AirDrop.SetPosition(phys); m_AirDrop.SetOrientation(PhysicsBody.GetOrientation()); } } } if (DropTime && !DropOnStart) { RayReady = false; if (PrintInformationMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop was dropped from the plane!"); m_AirDrop = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", m_DropPos, false, true ); // Create airdrop model, in this case it is red container SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); GetGame().ObjectDelete(m_Platform); SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); // Reset it to default values RemoveTimer = 0; RemovePased = false; DropTime = false; } } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Airdrop controller */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ bool init = true; void CreateAirDrop() { if (!EnableAirdrops) return; if (init) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Plugin initialized"); init = false; // Remove timer if (RemoveTimer <= RemoveTime) { RemoveTimer++; } else { // Removing all objects when remove timer is passed if (!RemovePased) { if (m_AirDrop != NULL) { m_AirDrop.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirDrop ); m_AirDrop = NULL; } if (m_AirPlane != NULL) { m_AirPlane.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirPlane ); m_AirPlane = NULL; } if (m_AirDropBase != NULL) { m_AirDropBase.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirDropBase ); m_AirDropBase = NULL; } if (m_AirDropLoot != NULL) { m_AirDropLoot.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirDropLoot ); m_AirDropLoot = NULL; } if (DropEffect != NULL) { DropEffect.Stop(); DropEffect = NULL; } if (SignalEffect != NULL) { SignalEffect.Stop(); SignalEffect = NULL; } // Reset it to default values AirPassed = false; TimerPassed = false; AirDropTime = 0; AirTimer = 0; DropTime = false; RemovePased = true; } } // After how much time after restart need to wait before airplane spawn if (AirTimer <= TicksTimerFromStart) { AirTimer++; if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airtimer value is " + AirTimer); } else { // Reset it to default values TimerPassed = true; } if (TimerPassed && !AirPassed) { if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airtimer passed"); GetAirPlaneInfo(); if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airdrop spawned via timer"); // Reset it to default values AirPassed = true; } if (AirPassed) { if (m_AirPlane) { MoveAirPlane(); } } if (AirDropTime <= RandomTime) { AirDropTime++; if (TeleportDebug) // For debug puproses only { SendPos(m_AirPlane.GetPosition()); } if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airdrop time is " + AirDropTime + " from " + RandomTime); } else { if (Delay <= 1000) { Delay++; } else { if (!RayReady) { if (TeleportDebug) // For debug puproses only { SendPos(m_AirPlane.GetPosition()); } } if (!PassTime) { // Reset it to default values DropTime = true; PassTime = true; } } } } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ } Edited November 10, 2018 by Mostabdel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaspar rave 4 Posted November 9, 2018 On 01/11/2018 at 11:46 PM, Mostabdel said: oui je bac mais erreur avec airdrop ligne this is the script of aidrop class AirDrop { /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* DayZ 0.63 AirDrop plugin by mov3ax / */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ void AirDrop() { } void ~AirDrop() { } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Configuration of plugin */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ bool EnableAirdrops = true; // Main switch float TimesliceMultiplyier = 0.01; // Timeslice multiplyier, default value is 0.01 (60 FPS) float AirPlaneSpeed = 0.25; // Airplane fly speed float AirPlaneHeight = 300; // Airplane fly height float AirDropFallSpeed = 0.2; // Airdrop fall speed // 600 Seconds = 10 Minutes float TicksTimerFromStart = 1800 / TimesliceMultiplyier; // How much time will pass from the server start to first airdrop bool PrintInformationMessages = true; // Show in chat when airplane flew out and when airdrop is landed bool PrintInformationCoordinates = true; // Show in chat coordinates where airdrop is landed // 36000 Seconds = 1 Hour float RemoveTime = 1800 / TimesliceMultiplyier; // After how much time airplane and loot will be removed and new airplane will be spawned bool SpawnZombie = true; // Spawn zombie near airdrop when landed bool ShowSignal = true; // Show smoke signal when airdrop landed float RandomBoundsMin = 5; // Airdrop drop bounds min float RandomBoundsMax = 10; // Airdrop drop bounds max bool PrintDebugMessages = false; // Show debug messages (Debug) bool DropOnStart = false; // Drop airdrop instantly after airplane (Debug) bool TeleportDebug = false; // Teleport to airplane and airdrop during flight (Debug) /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Local variables */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ vector m_AirPlaneFixedPosition; // Local variable vector m_DropPos; // Local variable Object m_AirPlane; // Global airplane object Object m_AirDrop; // Glbal airdrop container object Object m_Platform; // Glbal airdrop container object EntityAI m_AirDropLoot; // Airdrop container body ItemBase m_AirDropBase; // Airdrop container base Particle DropEffect; // Airdrop land particle effect Particle SignalEffect; // Airdrop land particle effect vector RandomRotOrientation; // Local variable EntityAI PhysicsBody; // Local variable float RandomRot = 0; // Default random rotation variable float RandomTime = 100; // Default random drop variable float Delay = 0; // Local variable for security float Ground; // Local variable for security int AirDropTime = 0; // Local variable int AirTimer = 0; // Local variable int RemoveTimer = 0; // Local variable bool RayReady = true; // Local variable bool TimerPassed = false; // Local variable bool AirPassed = false; // Local variable bool RemovePased = false; // Local variable bool DropTime = false; // Local variable bool PassTime = false; // Local variable /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Global functions */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ // Send message in global chat void SendMessage(string message) { ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers( players ); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++ ) { PlayerBase player1; Class.CastTo(player1, players.Get(i)); Param1<string> m_AirTimer = new Param1<string>(message); GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player1, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, m_AirTimer, true, player1.GetIdentity()); } } // Teleport all players to position, debug void SendPos(vector pos) { ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers( players ); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++ ) { PlayerBase player1; Class.CastTo(player1, players.Get(i)); player1.SetPosition(pos); } } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Configuration of loot and spawn points */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ // Random Loot Presets string GetRandomLoot() { TStringArray loot = { "LandMineTrap", "Marmalade", "GhillieSuit_Tan", "M4A1", "PlateCarrierComplete", "BalaclavaMask_Blackskull", "GorkaHelmetComplete", "BallisticHelmet_Green", "Suppressor_East", "GhillieBushrag_Tan", "M4_Suppressor", "AK_Suppressor", "AK_Bayonet", "M9A1_Bayonet", "RDG2SmokeGrenade_Black", "RDG2SmokeGrenade_White", "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd", "Mag_STANAGCoupled_30Rnd", }; return loot.GetRandomElement(); } // Generating random airdrop position from list // You can get coordinates using debug monitor or this map vector GetAirPlanePos() { TVectorArray positions = { "3559 0 7238", "5088 0 2379", "7971 0 9030", "4716 0 9974", "11990 0 12498", }; vector what = positions.GetRandomElement(); what[1] = AirPlaneHeight; return what; } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Zombie spawn list */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ TStringArray WorkingZombieClasses() { return { "ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Base","ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Beige","ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Black","ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Green", "ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Red","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Base","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Beige","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Blue","ZmbM_FarmerFat_Brown", "ZmbM_FarmerFat_Green","ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Base","ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Beige","ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Brown", "ZmbF_CitizenANormal_Blue","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Base","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Blue","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Brown", "ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Grey","ZmbM_CitizenASkinny_Red","ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Base","ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Blue","ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Red", "ZmbM_CitizenBFat_Green","ZmbF_CitizenBSkinny_Base","ZmbF_CitizenBSkinny","ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny_Base","ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny", "ZmbM_FirefighterNormal_Base","ZmbM_FirefighterNormal","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Base","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Blue","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Green", "ZmbM_FishermanOld_Grey","ZmbM_FishermanOld_Red","ZmbM_JournalistSkinny_Base","ZmbM_JournalistSkinny","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Base", "ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Blue","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Green","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_Red","ZmbF_JournalistNormal_White", "ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Base","ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Blue","ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Green","ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Red", "ZmbM_ParamedicNormal_Black","ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Base","ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Blue","ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Green", "ZmbF_ParamedicNormal_Red","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Base","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Blue","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Green","ZmbM_HikerSkinny_Yellow", "ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Base","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Blue","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Grey","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Green","ZmbF_HikerSkinny_Red", "ZmbM_HunterOld_Base","ZmbM_HunterOld_Autumn","ZmbM_HunterOld_Spring","ZmbM_HunterOld_Summer","ZmbM_HunterOld_Winter", "ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Base","ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Blue","ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Orange","ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_Red", "ZmbF_SurvivorNormal_White","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Base","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Black","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Blue","ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Grey", "ZmbM_PolicemanFat_Base","ZmbM_PolicemanFat","ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal_Base","ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal","ZmbM_PolicemanSpecForce_Base", "ZmbM_PolicemanSpecForce","ZmbM_SoldierNormal_Base","ZmbM_SoldierNormal","ZmbM_usSoldier_normal_Base", "ZmbM_usSoldier_normal_Woodland","ZmbM_usSoldier_normal_Desert","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Base","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Blue", "ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Olive","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Brown","ZmbM_CommercialPilotOld_Grey","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Base", "ZmbM_PatrolNormal_PautRev","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Autumn","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Flat","ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Summer","ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Base", "ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Blue","ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Green","ZmbM_JoggerSkinny_Red","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Base","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Blue", "ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Brown","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Green","ZmbF_JoggerSkinny_Red","ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Base","ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Beige", "ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Black","ZmbM_MotobikerFat_Blue","ZmbM_VillagerOld_Base","ZmbM_VillagerOld_Blue","ZmbM_VillagerOld_Green", "ZmbM_VillagerOld_White","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Base","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Blue","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Brown","ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Green", "ZmbM_SkaterYoung_Grey","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Base","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Brown","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Striped","ZmbF_SkaterYoung_Violet", "ZmbF_DoctorSkinny_Base","ZmbF_DoctorSkinny","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Base","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Blue","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Green", "ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_Red","ZmbF_BlueCollarFat_White","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Base","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Beige","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Green", "ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Grey","ZmbF_MechanicNormal_Orange","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Base","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Blue","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Grey", "ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Green","ZmbM_MechanicSkinny_Red","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Base","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Beige", "ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Black","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Green","ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Grey","ZmbM_HeavyIndustryWorker_Base", "ZmbM_HeavyIndustryWorker","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Base","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Green","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Orange","ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Red", "ZmbM_OffshoreWorker_Yellow","ZmbF_NurseFat_Base","ZmbF_NurseFat","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Base","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Beige", "ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Blue","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Green","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_Grey","ZmbM_HandymanNormal_White","ZmbM_DoctorFat_Base", "ZmbM_DoctorFat","ZmbM_Jacket_Base","ZmbM_Jacket_beige","ZmbM_Jacket_black","ZmbM_Jacket_blue","ZmbM_Jacket_bluechecks", "ZmbM_Jacket_brown","ZmbM_Jacket_greenchecks","ZmbM_Jacket_grey","ZmbM_Jacket_khaki","ZmbM_Jacket_magenta","ZmbM_Jacket_stripes", "ZmbF_PatientOld_Base","ZmbF_PatientOld","ZmbM_PatientSkinny_Base","ZmbM_PatientSkinny","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_Base","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_beige", "ZmbF_ShortSkirt_black","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_brown","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_green","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_grey","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_checks", "ZmbF_ShortSkirt_red","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_stripes","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_white","ZmbF_ShortSkirt_yellow","ZmbF_VillagerOld_Base", "ZmbF_VillagerOld_Blue","ZmbF_VillagerOld_Green","ZmbF_VillagerOld_Red","ZmbF_VillagerOld_White","ZmbM_Soldier","ZmbM_SoldierAlice", "ZmbM_SoldierHelmet","ZmbM_SoldierVest","ZmbM_SoldierAliceHelmet","ZmbM_SoldierVestHelmet","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Base", "ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Beige","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Black","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Green","ZmbF_MilkMaidOld_Grey","ZmbM_priestPopSkinny_Base", "ZmbM_priestPopSkinny","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Base","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Brown","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Grey","ZmbM_ClerkFat_Khaki","ZmbM_ClerkFat_White", "ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Base","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Blue","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_White","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Green","ZmbF_Clerk_Normal_Red", }; } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Airplane and airdrop setup */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ void GetAirPlaneInfo() { // Seconds devide on value of TimesliceMultiplyier (By default it is 0.01) RandomTime = Math.RandomFloat(RandomBoundsMin / TimesliceMultiplyier, RandomBoundsMax / TimesliceMultiplyier); // Random drop bounds RandomRot = Math.RandomFloat(130, 190); // Random rot bounds if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Random rotation of airplane is " + RandomRot); // Dynamic movement forward float Forward = RandomRot * 0.017453292; // 7.5 is airdrop container motion speed float MotionX = (double)(Math.Sin(Forward) * 7.5); float MotionZ = (double)(Math.Cos(Forward) * 7.5); // Fixed position, if we dont multiply value to -1 it will move backwards m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[0] = MotionX * -1; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[1] = 10; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[2] = MotionZ * -1; RandomRotOrientation[0] = RandomRot; m_AirPlane = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Wreck_C130J", GetAirPlanePos(), false, true ); // Create airplane model m_AirPlane.SetOrientation(RandomRotOrientation); // Rotate it to random angles in yaw m_AirPlane.PlaySoundLoop("powerGeneratorLoop", 10000, true); // Attach airplane sound to itself, need to be fixed if (PrintInformationMessages) if (m_AirPlane != NULL) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airplane was spotted on map!"); m_AirPlane.SetPosition( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() ); m_DropPos = ( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() ) - m_AirPlaneFixedPosition; protected vector pos; pos[0] = 0; pos[1] = AirPlaneHeight; pos[2] = 0; m_Platform = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", pos, false, true ); PhysicsBody = EntityAI.Cast( GetGame().CreateObject( "CivilianSedan", m_Platform.GetPosition(), false, true ) ); PhysicsBody.SetAllowDamage( false ); if (DropOnStart) // For debug puproses only { RayReady = false; if (PrintInformationMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop was dropped from the plane!"); m_AirDrop = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", m_DropPos, false, true ); // Create airdrop model, in this case it is red container SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); GetGame().ObjectDelete(m_Platform); SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); // Reset it to default values RemoveTimer = 0; RemovePased = false; } if (TeleportDebug) // For debug puproses only { if (m_AirPlane != NULL) { SendPos(m_AirPlane.GetPosition()); } } } void MoveAirPlane() { // Dynamic movement forward float Forward = RandomRot * 0.017453292; // 7.5 is airdrop container motion speed float MotionX = (double)(Math.Sin(Forward) * AirPlaneSpeed); float MotionZ = (double)(Math.Cos(Forward) * AirPlaneSpeed); // Fixed position, if we dont multiply value to -1 it will move backwards m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[0] = MotionX * -1; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[1] = 0; m_AirPlaneFixedPosition[2] = MotionZ * -1; m_AirPlane.SetPosition( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() + m_AirPlaneFixedPosition ); m_DropPos = ( m_AirPlane.GetPosition() ) - m_AirPlaneFixedPosition; if (!RayReady) { Ground = GetGame().SurfaceY(m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[0], m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[2]); if (PhysicsBody.GetPosition()[1] <= Ground) PhysicsBody.SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "0 0 0"); if (GetVelocity(PhysicsBody)[0] < 0.0001 && GetVelocity(PhysicsBody)[1] < 0.0001 && GetVelocity(PhysicsBody)[2] < 0.0001) { m_AirDrop.PlaceOnSurface(); // Create airdrop lootable container, in this case it is sea chest m_AirDropLoot = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject( "SeaChest", m_AirDrop.GetPosition(), false, true )); // We can't add barrel because it have to be opened // You can extend items count inside airdrop container or make it random m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropLoot.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(GetRandomLoot()); m_AirDropBase = ItemBase.Cast(m_AirDropLoot); // Cast items to airdrop container // Play particle when airdrop container, in this case it is red container DropEffect = Particle.Play( ParticleList.EXPLOSION_LANDMINE, m_AirDrop.GetPosition() ); if (PrintInformationMessages && !PrintInformationCoordinates) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop landed!"); else if (PrintInformationMessages && PrintInformationCoordinates) { array<string> arrCoords = new array<string>; string strAirdropPos = m_AirDrop.GetPosition().ToString(); strAirdropPos = strAirdropPos.Substring(1, strAirdropPos.Length() - 2); strAirdropPos.Split( ", ", arrCoords ); SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop landed on coordinates " + Math.Round( arrCoords.Get(0).ToInt() ) + " " + Math.Round( arrCoords.Get(2).ToInt() ) + "!"); } if (SpawnZombie) { GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "10 0 0", false, true ); GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "0 0 10", false, true ); GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "10 0 -10", false, true ); GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), m_AirDrop.GetPosition() - "-10 0 10", false, true ); } if (ShowSignal) { vector signal = "0 1.5 0"; SignalEffect = Particle.Play( ParticleList.RDG2, m_AirDrop.GetPosition() + signal ); } // Removing physics body PhysicsBody.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( PhysicsBody ); PhysicsBody = NULL; // Reset it to default values RayReady = true; } else { if (m_AirDrop != NULL) { vector phys; phys[0] = m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[0]; phys[1] = PhysicsBody.GetPosition()[1]; phys[2] = m_AirDrop.GetPosition()[2]; m_AirDrop.SetPosition(phys); m_AirDrop.SetOrientation(PhysicsBody.GetOrientation()); } } } if (DropTime && !DropOnStart) { RayReady = false; if (PrintInformationMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Airdrop was dropped from the plane!"); m_AirDrop = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", m_DropPos, false, true ); // Create airdrop model, in this case it is red container SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); GetGame().ObjectDelete(m_Platform); SetVelocity(PhysicsBody, "10 0 0"); // Reset it to default values RemoveTimer = 0; RemovePased = false; DropTime = false; } } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ /* Airdrop controller */ /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ bool init = true; void CreateAirDrop() { if (!EnableAirdrops) return; if (init) SendMessage("[Airdrop] Plugin initialized"); init = false; // Remove timer if (RemoveTimer <= RemoveTime) { RemoveTimer++; } else { // Removing all objects when remove timer is passed if (!RemovePased) { if (m_AirDrop != NULL) { m_AirDrop.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirDrop ); m_AirDrop = NULL; } if (m_AirPlane != NULL) { m_AirPlane.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirPlane ); m_AirPlane = NULL; } if (m_AirDropBase != NULL) { m_AirDropBase.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirDropBase ); m_AirDropBase = NULL; } if (m_AirDropLoot != NULL) { m_AirDropLoot.SetPosition(vector.Zero); GetGame().ObjectDelete( m_AirDropLoot ); m_AirDropLoot = NULL; } if (DropEffect != NULL) { DropEffect.Stop(); DropEffect = NULL; } if (SignalEffect != NULL) { SignalEffect.Stop(); SignalEffect = NULL; } // Reset it to default values AirPassed = false; TimerPassed = false; AirDropTime = 0; AirTimer = 0; DropTime = false; RemovePased = true; } } // After how much time after restart need to wait before airplane spawn if (AirTimer <= TicksTimerFromStart) { AirTimer++; if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airtimer value is " + AirTimer); } else { // Reset it to default values TimerPassed = true; } if (TimerPassed && !AirPassed) { if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airtimer passed"); GetAirPlaneInfo(); if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airdrop spawned via timer"); // Reset it to default values AirPassed = true; } if (AirPassed) { if (m_AirPlane) { MoveAirPlane(); } } if (AirDropTime <= RandomTime) { AirDropTime++; if (TeleportDebug) // For debug puproses only { SendPos(m_AirPlane.GetPosition()); } if (PrintDebugMessages) SendMessage("[Airdrop, Debug] Airdrop time is " + AirDropTime + " from " + RandomTime); } else { if (Delay <= 1000) { Delay++; } else { if (!RayReady) { if (TeleportDebug) // For debug puproses only { SendPos(m_AirPlane.GetPosition()); } } if (!PassTime) { // Reset it to default values DropTime = true; PassTime = true; } } } } /* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### */ } Use code brackets please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites