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john garcia

Crafting bones

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Running thru a small village yesterday and there was a flock of sheep. A ram came walking past very close to me, put him down with one shot of .380.

I skinned to get steaks to practice cooking and also received a pelt. There were bones on the ground and the game gave me the option to craft the bones, but I couldn't find anything in inventory or on ground when done.

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were you wearing a boone hat? if you craft a hook i think i read/heard somewhere that it hooks straight into your hat?

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8 hours ago, john garcia said:

Running thru a small village yesterday and there was a flock of sheep. A ram came walking past very close to me, put him down with one shot of .380.

I skinned to get steaks to practice cooking and also received a pelt. There were bones on the ground and the game gave me the option to craft the bones, but I couldn't find anything in inventory or on ground when done.

think its a bug

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Hooks can be crafted from bone with a knife in hand. The display picture is invisible, so you may think it is not there. If you add worms, you can make fish bait. Also the boony hat attachment is bugged(floats in air)but is visible.

Edited by Lukemayhem

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