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Soo guilty!

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i just started off a new character!

found a guy who was willing to give me a\ lift on his motorbike we went on it, some zeds chased us but we lost em. we found a old warehouse he got off i folllowed. didnt really find anything.

saw a zed walk in i sneaked out but the other guy was still looking for stuff, i typed in chat lets go a zeds here. he didnt reply.. we both didnt have weapons either so...

i went out and waited near the bike for him to come. a minute went by nope.

then 3 minutes, then i say 3 zombies coming my way. i wanted to rush the guy out but they were blocking the path!....

one of the spotted me i had no choice to run endlessly or take the bike...

I TOOK the bike and drove off...i didint hear from the other player...im not sure what happened to him,

i feel so guilty right now..:(

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Ahh man you should turn urself into the internet police, you gone done bad son

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I coulda done, but I was totally in the mood to make him feel like hes my little girl who just took her friends lollypop and ran home(happened less than hour ago) <3

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