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Better Airdrops (improved version)

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Airdrops are great. Everybody loves airdrops! That’s why we’ve improved and stabilised (no crashes on our testing server) the existing AirDrop mod!

Better Airdrops takes the idea of airdrops a bit further by using dynamic flight paths, enhanced location interface, performance and expandability.

This is the first implementation, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

- Dynamic plane flight paths

- Easier control of airdrop locations

- ADM file logging

- Doesnt causes crashes

- Adds item to loot economy (rather unintended but dont tell anyone)


Known Bugs (aka. Help wanted):

- Plane facing is off in some instances

- Sounds do not work

- Particle effects do not work


Full tutorial, support and discussion at



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On 10/14/2018 at 2:23 AM, danZ_nuts said:

Airdrops are great. Everybody loves airdrops! That’s why we’ve improved and stabilised (no crashes on our testing server) the existing AirDrop mod!

Better Airdrops takes the idea of airdrops a bit further by using dynamic flight paths, enhanced location interface, performance and expandability.

This is the first implementation, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

- Dynamic plane flight paths

- Easier control of airdrop locations

- ADM file logging

- Doesnt causes crashes

- Adds item to loot economy (rather unintended but dont tell anyone)


Known Bugs (aka. Help wanted):

- Plane facing is off in some instances

- Sounds do not work

- Particle effects do not work


Full tutorial, support and discussion at



A better explanation of where exactly to put the code in the init.c file is needed as the current instructions are not clearly pointed out eg,...

1. edit your init.c

Code: init.c

// Add on top of your file<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------right at the top of the init.c file above  void main () or under void main () but above the Hive ce = CreateHive(); ????

#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c"

// Add within your CustomMission<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Does this go in the init.c with the above code?? or where is custom mission line???

ref BetterAirdrop Airdrop;

void CustomMission() {

Airdrop = new BetterAirdrop();


Clarity here on this is needed for those who are learning, please and thankyou.


Found this to help anyone who has issues....



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12 hours ago, ICEMAN-FMCS said:

Currently crashing server randomly, has errors regarding reset plane in script.

The scripts/plugins in the video and the one posted on dayzmodz are different. I can post the latest BetterAirdrop.c here since dayzmodz got taken offline

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7 hours ago, philippj said:

The scripts/plugins in the video and the one posted on dayzmodz are different. I can post the latest BetterAirdrop.c here since dayzmodz got taken offline

I am using the betterairdrops.c script of yours is it? not the one from mov3ax, i just posted his vid as a guide as there was no understanding in OP post on where to insert it.

Crashes randomly when I have 3 locations listed will try today with 2 see how it goes.


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class BetterAirdropLocation {
    float x, y;
    string name;
    bool disclose, send_proximity;
    ref TStringArray items;
    void BetterAirdropLocation(float x, float y, string name, bool disclose = false, bool send_proximity = false) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.name = name;
        this.disclose = disclose;
        this.send_proximity = send_proximity;

class BetterAirdrop {
	 * 		Config

    bool debug_mode = false; // display d2t & port to target

	float interval = 60.0; // Interval in minutes
    float initial = 5.0; 
	float plane_height = 200; // relative to ground
    float proximity_warning_distance = 750.0;

    float speed = 1.0;

	bool display_basic_information = true;
	bool display_coordinates = true;
	bool smoke_signal = true; // not working

    int infected_count = 40;
    int items_to_be_spawned = 3;

    int number_of_drops = 1; // number of drops must match the number amount of airdrop locations
    ref BetterAirdropLocation airdrop_locations[] = {
        new BetterAirdropLocation(2760.0, 5527.0, "Zelenogorsk Church", true, true),
        //new BetterAirdropLocation(4451.0, 10220.0, "NWAF", true, true),

	 * internals

	int interval_ms = 0;

    int motionless_ticks = 0;

	Object plane;
	vector plane_pos;
    vector spawn_pos;
    vector drop_pos;
    vector orientation;
    float drop_sim_height_diff = -1;

    Object airdrop_obj;
    Object tmp_airdrop_obj;
    EntityAI airdrop_physics;

    Particle signal;
    Particle explosion;
    Particle smoke;

    bool active = false;
    bool dropped = false;
    bool sent_proximity_warning = false;

    ref BetterAirdropLocation active_drop;

	void BetterAirdrop() {
		GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> plugin init");
		interval_ms = interval * 60 * 1000;
        GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(InitiateAirdrop, initial*60*1000, false);

    void InitiateAirdrop() {
        GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(InitiateAirdrop, interval*60*1000, false);

    void Cleanup() {

    void ResetPlane() {
        plane = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Wreck_C130J", "0 0 0", false, true, false );
        smoke = Particle.Play(ParticleList.SMOKING_HELI_WRECK, plane, Vector(0, 0, -1.0)); // not working
        plane_pos[0] = 0;
        plane_pos[1] = 0;
        plane_pos[2] = 0;
        dropped = false;
        active = false;
        sent_proximity_warning = false;
        if(active_drop.send_proximity) SendMessageToPlayers("The plane has vanished");

    void MovePlane() {
        float angle = Math.Atan2(drop_pos[1]-spawn_pos[1], drop_pos[0]-spawn_pos[0]);
        float fixed_angle = angle*Math.RAD2DEG;

        plane_pos[0] = Math.Cos(angle);
        plane_pos[2] = Math.Sin(angle);
        vector advanced_plane_pos = plane.GetPosition() + (plane_pos*speed);

        advanced_plane_pos[1] = GetGame().SurfaceY(advanced_plane_pos[0], advanced_plane_pos[2]) + plane_height;

        plane.SetPosition( advanced_plane_pos );
        //TeleportPlayers(advanced_plane_pos + "10 10 10");
        if(!dropped) {
            float distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(drop_pos[0] - advanced_plane_pos[0], 2) + Math.Pow(drop_pos[1] - advanced_plane_pos[2], 2));
            if(debug_mode) SendMessageToPlayers("DISTANCE2TARGET: "+distance);
            if(distance <= 10.0) {
                dropped = true;
                GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> dropped airdrop");
                if(active_drop.send_proximity) SendMessageToPlayers("<BetterAirdrop> The airdrop has been dropped at " + active_drop.name);
            } else if(distance <= proximity_warning_distance && !sent_proximity_warning) {
                sent_proximity_warning = true;
                GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> nearing target");
                if(active_drop.send_proximity) SendMessageToPlayers("<BetterAirdrop> The airdrop is closing in on its target location (" + active_drop.name + ")");
        } else {
            if(!IsInRect(advanced_plane_pos[0], advanced_plane_pos[1], -10.0, 15470.0, -10.0, 1570.0)) {
                GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> cleaning up");
                GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(ResetPlane, 1000, false);

    void DropSimulation() {
        float ground = GetGame().SurfaceY(airdrop_obj.GetPosition()[0], airdrop_obj.GetPosition()[2]);
        drop_sim_height_diff = airdrop_obj.GetPosition()[1]-airdrop_physics.GetPosition()[1];
        //GetGame().AdminLog("GROUND: "+ground+"; HEIGHT: "+airdrop_physics.GetPosition()[1]+"; DIFF: "+drop_sim_height_diff);
        if(drop_sim_height_diff <= 0.0001) motionless_ticks += 1;
        else motionless_ticks = 0;
        if (airdrop_physics.GetPosition()[1] <= (ground+3) || motionless_ticks >= 25) { // force drop if stuck for more then 500ms
            vector tmp_pos = airdrop_obj.GetPosition();
            tmp_pos[1] = ground;
            Particle.Play(ParticleList.RDG2, tmp_pos); // not working
            Particle.Play(ParticleList.ROADFLARE_BURNING_MAIN, tmp_pos); // not working
        } else {
            vector airdrop_obj_pos;
            airdrop_obj_pos[0] = drop_pos[0];
            airdrop_obj_pos[1] = airdrop_physics.GetPosition()[1];
            airdrop_obj_pos[2] = drop_pos[1];


    void AfterDrop() {
        vector base_pos = airdrop_obj.GetPosition(), dynamic_pos;
        for(int i = 0; i < items_to_be_spawned; i++) {
            float a = Math.RandomFloat(0.4, 1.0) * 2 * Math.PI;
            float r = 5.0 * Math.Sqrt(Math.RandomFloat(0.4, 1.0));
            dynamic_pos = base_pos;
            dynamic_pos[0] = dynamic_pos[0]+(r * Math.Cos(a));
            dynamic_pos[2] = dynamic_pos[2]+(r * Math.Sin(a));
            dynamic_pos[1] = GetGame().SurfaceY(dynamic_pos[0], dynamic_pos[2]) + 0.3;
            string item = GetRandomItem();
            GetGame().CreateObject(item, dynamic_pos, false, true);
        for ( int inf = 0; inf < infected_count; inf++ ) {
            dynamic_pos = base_pos;
            dynamic_pos[0] = dynamic_pos[0]+Math.RandomFloat(-20.0, 20.0);
            dynamic_pos[2] = dynamic_pos[2]+Math.RandomFloat(-20.0, 20.0);
            GetGame().CreateObject( WorkingZombieClasses().GetRandomElement(), dynamic_pos, false, true );

    void Drop() {
        motionless_ticks = 0;
        GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> initiated drop physics");
        airdrop_physics = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject( "CivilianSedan", plane.GetPosition(), true, true ));
        airdrop_obj = GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Container_1Bo", plane.GetPosition(), false, true );
        SetVelocity(airdrop_physics, "10 0 0");
        GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(DropSimulation, 10, true);

	void Spawn() {
        GetGame().CreateSoundOnObject(plane, "powerGeneratorLoop", 2000.0, false); // not working
        plane.PlaySoundLoop("powerGeneratorLoop", 2000.0, false); // not working
        GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> airdrop init");

        int side = Math.RandomInt(0,4);
        switch(side) {
            case 0: {
                spawn_pos[0] = 0.0;
                spawn_pos[1] = Math.RandomFloat(0.0, 15360.0);
            case 1: {
                spawn_pos[0] = 15360.0;
                spawn_pos[1] = Math.RandomFloat(0.0, 15360.0);
            case 2: {
                spawn_pos[0] = Math.RandomFloat(0.0, 15360.0);
                spawn_pos[1] = 0.0;
            case 3: {
                spawn_pos[0] = Math.RandomFloat(0.0, 15360.0);
                spawn_pos[1] = 15360.0;

        vector plane_start_pos;
        plane_start_pos[0] = spawn_pos[0];
        plane_start_pos[2] = spawn_pos[1];

        BetterAirdropLocation default_drop = new BetterAirdropLocation(2760.0, 5527.0, "ravioli ravioli gib mir die formeloli", true, true);
        if(number_of_drops < 1) {
            GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> No random locations defined, using fallback");
            active_drop = default_drop;
        } else {
            active_drop = airdrop_locations[Math.RandomInt(0, number_of_drops - 1)];
        vector tmp_pos;
        tmp_pos[0] = active_drop.x;
        tmp_pos[1] = GetGame().SurfaceY(active_drop.x, active_drop.y)+1.0;
        tmp_pos[2] = active_drop.y;
        Particle.Play(ParticleList.SMOKING_HELI_WRECK, tmp_pos); // Does not work on client side
        if(debug_mode) TeleportPlayers(tmp_pos);
        if(active_drop.disclose) SendMessageToPlayers("<BetterAirdrop> An airdrop has been spotted heading towards " + active_drop.name);

        drop_pos[0] = active_drop.x;
        drop_pos[1] = active_drop.y;

        float angle = Math.Atan2(drop_pos[1]-spawn_pos[1], drop_pos[0]-spawn_pos[0]);
        float fixed_angle = angle*Math.RAD2DEG;

        vector direction = drop_pos-spawn_pos;
        vector normalized = direction.Normalized();
        float distance = direction.Length();
        GetGame().AdminLog("<BetterAirdrop> INBOUND " + active_drop.name + " AT [X: "+active_drop.x+"; Y: "+active_drop.y+"] START [X: "+spawn_pos[0]+"; Y: "+spawn_pos[1]+"] DISTANCE2TARGET: "+distance + "; PLANEANGLE: "+fixed_angle +"; V2Y: ");
        GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(MovePlane, 20, true);

	void SendMessageToPlayers(string message) {
		ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>;
		GetGame().GetPlayers( players );
		for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++ )
			PlayerBase player = players.Get(i);
			Param1<string> message_param = new Param1<string>(message);
			GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, message_param, true, player.GetIdentity());

	void TeleportPlayers(vector pos) {
		ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>;
		GetGame().GetPlayers( players );
		for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++ ) {
			Man player = players.Get(i);

    bool IsInRect(float x, float y, float min_x, float max_x, float min_y, float max_y) {
        if(x > min_x && x < max_x && y > min_y && y < max_y) return true;
        return false;

    string GetRandomItem() {
        TStringArray loot = {
        return loot.GetRandomElement();

	TStringArray WorkingZombieClasses()
		return {


Never had any issues/crashes whatsoever, maybe check your crashlog

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In crash log using the above script it states;

NULL pointer to instance. variable 'send_proximity'

class:  'BetterAirdrop'

function: 'resetplane'

stack trace:

$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c :81

$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c :59


NULL pointer to instance.

class:  'BetterAirdrop'

function: 'dropsimulation'

stack trace:

$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c :114


NULL pointer to instance. variable 'send_proximity'

class:  'BetterAirdrop'

function: 'resetplane'

stack trace:

$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c :81

$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\plugins\\betterairdrop.c :63


Definately to do with the script, and Im only using 1 drop point.

Let me know what it could be.

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Line 104:

if(active_drop.send_proximity) SendMessageToPlayers("The plane has vanished");

Replace it by :

if(active_drop !=NULL && active_drop.send_proximity) SendMessageToPlayers("The plane has vanished");


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