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Lee Enfield or Shotgun?

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What should I have taken? Double Barreled Shotgun or Lee Enfield? Neither were ideal but starting out what would server me in the short-medium term?

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I would prefer to take the Enfield because for me a lot of ammo drops for it while you need only slugs for the shotgun.

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As both sound very similar to the fabled zed mating call, I'd go with neither. Having said that, if you plan on getting the hell out of wherever you are and say, heading north. I'd take the Lee. On average I find more ammo for it, its range is longer (which you'll want since it screams "IM RIGHT HERE GUYS!) and typically one shots a zed with a body shot.

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Enfield, it's accurate with big clips and easy ammo. Double barrel is slow and you'll get killed reloading. If you find a Winchester then you might want to try that out, it's quieter.

All in all though, use an axe. Guns are to point at other players.

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You even consider Double Barreled ? Worst gun in the game, pistols are better. And you are not sure with Lee Enfield killing players with 1 shot and having the best range when not considering sniper rifles? OK

Maybe try to play the game more and use BOTH weapons to not ask stupid questions ?

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Hehe, any player killing oriented player will tell you to take the Enfield.

The double barrel is a piece of shit, if you are lucky you get a winchester, barring that... choose your intent.

DB is bad for ammo, bad for zombies, and bad for business.

Enfield is the same, but has the ability to kill players and theres an overabundance of ammo.

Basically: Take what you can get, if you get a choice between the 2, take whatever you have the most ammo for, but know that a pistol will do better than both at being silent.

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Take the enfield until you can find a better weapon. They are great for killing other players, should the situation arise, although against zombies they only serve to attract more.

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Hehe' date=' any player killing oriented player will tell you to take the Enfield.

The double barrel is a piece of shit, if you are lucky you get a winchester, barring that... choose your intent.

DB is bad for ammo, bad for zombies, and bad for business.

Enfield is the same, but has the ability to kill players and theres an overabundance of ammo.

Basically: Take what you can get, if you get a choice between the 2, take whatever you have the most ammo for, but know that a pistol will do better than both at being silent.


Any skilled player would say to take Enfield then a shitty double barreled shotgun.

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Id say enfield, cause it lets you kill players in case you have to and you shouldnt kill zombies with your priomary anyways, unless its a winchester or silenced...

Pistol is better for zeds.

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THe double barrelled is a weapon of last resort. The enfield is compotent at killing bandits at medium to short range.

Just dont fire the enfield in a town unless you want a zombie train. Switch to a pistol in that situation.

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Hehe' date=' any player killing oriented player will tell you to take the Enfield.

The double barrel is a piece of shit, if you are lucky you get a winchester, barring that... choose your intent.

DB is bad for ammo, bad for zombies, and bad for business.

Enfield is the same, but has the ability to kill players and theres an overabundance of ammo.

Basically: Take what you can get, if you get a choice between the 2, take whatever you have the most ammo for, but know that a pistol will do better than both at being silent.


Any skilled player would say to take Enfield then a shitty double barreled shotgun.

Any skilled player wouldnt run into this canundrum and waste any time thinking about it.

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Maybe try to play the game more and use BOTH weapons to not ask stupid questions ?

Considering your sig, i find it funny that in every single one of your posts you criticize people for their "stupid questions", like new players don´t have the right to ask questions.

As for the OP´s question, go for the Einfield. It is superior in pretty much every single aspect.

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Maybe try to play the game more and use BOTH weapons to not ask stupid questions ?

Considering your sig' date=' i find it funny that in every single one of your posts you criticize people for their "stupid questions", like new players don´t have the right to ask questions.

As for the OP´s question, go for the Einfield. It is superior in pretty much every single aspect.


I dont ask questions if I cant try smth ingame. Why wouldnt he pick up the EnField - try it out. Pick up the shotgun - try it out and decide. But noo, he has to ask on the forumzzz

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