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Crazy Zombies

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Hello there,

I just love DayZ, but it's annoying that the Zombies are running like hell. I mean they are rotten and they could lose their arms or legs. So why are they so fucking fast an run in that ziczac, I watched them running and they run too fast and they run from left to the right and left and this again and again. If we keep the facts straight, Zombies are Braindead and they are stupid so why are they so intelligent and can run smart, so that they can't get shot.

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"A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease. "

Quoted from website itself.

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Well It has to be challenging and maybe DayZ zombies have evolved into superer zombies with mad skillz.. Though with zombies it would be nice if their movements were a little less jumpy; unable to clip through and attack you through a walls/doors; they actually opened doors rather than walk through them and it slows them down a some; climbing ladders werent as easy.

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That's just coding / Ai behavior.

I for one am against them being slower, but unrealistic regarding damage. They're fine as they are in my book, apart from pathing and how they react to doors / walls.

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Rocket himself said in an interview, his inspiration for the infected came from the movies 28 Days/Weeks Later. So just think of them as THOSE infected...not zombies.

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So we are talking about some crazy "Cloud nine" guys?

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But I have a very Important Question.

Why do a INFECTED can't get killed by a shot into the Heart.

Because he is not dead and he should be dead because he is a human being but he has just lost the most important functions from the Brain

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