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Ryan JG


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Can you get sick yet?

I seem to be needing to drink a lot more than usual.

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1 hour ago, Ryan JG said:

Can you get sick yet?

I seem to be needing to drink a lot more than usual.

They say you can get cholera but you cant check if you have it. Ive noticed the first day your character is alive they need way more food and water then usual though. After the first day its almost halved but maybe im imagining things

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11 hours ago, Ryan JG said:

Can you get sick yet?

I seem to be needing to drink a lot more than usual.

There are just a few diseases present in the game already, but nothing keeping your character healthy and drinking plenty of clean water cannot cure. The more extreme diseases are yet to come and I'm not looking forward to that as I have yet to buckle down and start getting used to cooking food and purifying water...

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