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PVP Suggestions

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I mainly play on Xbox.  It seems there is a lot of kill on sight there and it seems a main reason for that is that 1)  There isn't a whole lot else to do after a while  and 2) there isn't really a need to team up with anyone.  And I guess there is a 3rd - There's little consequence to shooting a gun.

I think there's a couple ways to make this less common and make the game more interesting.  

1)  Gun shots are loud.  Why not have gun shots make all infected in an area move towards the noise very quickly.  I believe those in the immediate area will, but I think this should be spread out more.  There should be more of a risk of being swarmed if you are in any kind of populated area.  Shooting should come at the risk of being swarmed in some areas.

2)  More reasons to need someone to team up with.  Could be as simple as an injury not being something you can treat yourself.  Or in the future, items that require two people to move..etc.  Also could be an area where there's just a ton of infected and some good loot and trying to go solo would be too risky.

I think these along with more content over time would help bring people more together to try to work together to survive rather then just kill everyone they meet.  If there are goals that can't be accomplished solo, then people would be forced to team up.

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