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About Maytrix001

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Maytrix001

    You do know that bases will never work...right?

    Yes, it would take some coding. Could be done as simply as possible or as complicated as possible. If it is such a problem, I'd hope it would be something they'd have either already thought about or would work on. I haven't actually played around with bases at all yet, but if one needs a key or something to access it, that key could simply be a requirement of logging in within the base. Could be as simple as tracking the last server logged in and if it doesn't match the server with the base, the user is put outside the base. That would be a very simply way of dealing with it. They'd just need to track the area of a base. This really should be done anyway because it may not be someone trying to exploit, it could simply be a base being built in the place I last logged off a month earlier.
  2. Maytrix001

    You do know that bases will never work...right?

    Or they implement a very simple fix to this. A base has walls, right? so there can be a defined perimeter. The server could simply track whether or not someone was in a base at the time of log out on the server - if they were, they can log back on and be in the base. If they weren't, the get moved just outside the base. Really quite simple to solve this problem.
  3. Maytrix001

    Number of servers

    The number of servers will likely be adjusted based on the number of users. If all the servers are full, they'll likely add more - if there's a lot of empty ones, they'll remove them. Nothing unusual about that.
  4. Maytrix001

    Hit detection is a joke

    Yeah, it does seem to need work. I was in a fight with 2 guys. Both who I was trying to help (can't tell if they could hear my mic or not). Anyway.. One was attacking me with a hatchet and I was armed with a splitting axe. I took a number of swings and I shot two shots into one guy. I'm guessing the shots just didn't work. I'm still at a loss though how multiple hits with a splitting axe and I die first. I imagine one or both of the others maybe die shortly after. Just seemed unbalanced especially given my gear - I had a knife vest or whatever it is called, a helmet..etc. At any rate, it was the most excitement I've had in a while.. just wish more would be up for positive interactions vs just attacking.
  5. Maytrix001

    Game was fun for a while

    I think things will only truly improve once (and if) they add more things that encourage or require teamwork. Right now, I think there just isn't enough to do. I think there's so much potential though, hopefully it all comes to be.
  6. Maytrix001

    guns dont work....WHY?!!!

    I may have had a similar situation today. Met two guys, gave them some stuff. One started attacking me and attacked back (with splitting axe - he had a hatchet, other had a water bottle). I then equipped my gun and got 2 shots into one of them. Still, I died first. Seems a bit odd that I'd be using a splitting axe, got many hits in on a guy wearing normal clothes, and I get 2 shots and I die.. I was also wearing a knife vest or whatever it is called - youd' think I'd be better protected. Sad that two people I gave stuff too would attack though... but I'll do it again. Game is getting boring and it is easy to stock up on stuff. I'd rather have some interaction - it is just too bad so many want to fight.. plenty of games to just aimlessly kill and really.. in this game, killing is aimless.. you don't really gain much.
  7. Maytrix001

    PVP Suggestions

    I mainly play on Xbox. It seems there is a lot of kill on sight there and it seems a main reason for that is that 1) There isn't a whole lot else to do after a while and 2) there isn't really a need to team up with anyone. And I guess there is a 3rd - There's little consequence to shooting a gun. I think there's a couple ways to make this less common and make the game more interesting. 1) Gun shots are loud. Why not have gun shots make all infected in an area move towards the noise very quickly. I believe those in the immediate area will, but I think this should be spread out more. There should be more of a risk of being swarmed if you are in any kind of populated area. Shooting should come at the risk of being swarmed in some areas. 2) More reasons to need someone to team up with. Could be as simple as an injury not being something you can treat yourself. Or in the future, items that require two people to move..etc. Also could be an area where there's just a ton of infected and some good loot and trying to go solo would be too risky. I think these along with more content over time would help bring people more together to try to work together to survive rather then just kill everyone they meet. If there are goals that can't be accomplished solo, then people would be forced to team up.
  8. Maytrix001

    Most players on one server?

    Just wondering - what is the most players anyone has been able to get running on one server? I was thinking of setting up a server just to see how far we could take it.
  9. Maytrix001

    Was there a character wipe recently?

    Fair enough - I guess my point was that there is no way to choose what branch one is on within Xbox.
  10. Maytrix001

    Realism but with no logic.

    Faucets not having water actually makes sense. Water will either come from a well or from a town water system. Both require power to pump the water to the faucet. So no, in reality there wouldn't be water.
  11. Maytrix001

    Was there a character wipe recently?

    On Xbox, there is no experimental branch though. I wasn't upset by it and understand it will happen from time to time, but I think it should be minimized as much as possible. This isn't a free beta test, but a paid (and not cheaply at that) preview. Having played other previews, I this this game really still belongs at the beta level and unpaid, but it is what it is. It is just far from being where other previews I've played were at.
  12. Maytrix001

    Was there a character wipe recently?

    I haven't played in about a week, but got on last night and my character was new. Last I played I had a lot of stuff. Was there a wipe?
  13. Maytrix001

    Sound levels / Footsteps

    This is one of my biggest complaints.. directional sound. I heard an elk - tried to find it by listening and couldn't. Seemed to change direction more then just movement of it would cause.
  14. Maytrix001

    Bury stash

    Keep in mind, the stashes aren't tied to your character - they are tied to the server.
  15. Maytrix001


    I've killed chickens and goats. I have heard elk, but couldn't find it. Really hard to locate and I have surround sound but I don't think it as good as some other games when it comes to hearing where its coming from.